Drones already in the state of the Russian Register. Identification of illegal construction with the height and one of us will be in the frame?

  • Dec 24, 2019
"Quadrocopter" (Source: realty.rbc.ru)
"Quadrocopter" (Source: realty.rbc.ru)
Friends, I have building a channel, but I, like many, I own land, law-abiding build a house, and I I wanted to speak on that at all calculated to the higher authorities, launching the "genius" project.
I would have been unpleasant, lying in the territory truselyah his section - see flies "UFO", and even knowing that the photographic images being, do not you?

According to the news block, in 2018 already rehearsed flying drones with photofixing and from April 2019 - quadrocopter already "hired on the staff," the Russian Register. But why do the survey? Should I consider this as the next replenishment of the budget due to penalties? Although it is not explicitly stated, but officially announced the following reasons:

  • comparison of the available plot boundaries in the database with the actual data;
  • obtain information on the use of land and comparison with the permitted use;
  • check illegal properties;
  • control of a protected nature reserve under the supervision of the Ministry of Natural Resources.
instagram viewer

That is, the data obtained from the drone will be analyzed in terms of compliance with laws of land owners.

As well, according to the Russian Register until the end of 2019 in each federal district will be opened analytical center, which will flock and process information about conducted land surveys. During one round - the drone can make about 1000 photos, and then by the centers convert photos into orthophotos.

Next, the procedure is as follows:

The resulting plan area compared with USRRE and in case of discrepancy anything in place guided cadastral engineer who will fix the violation and voluntarily "ask" to eliminate violation.

Orthophoto - (Source www.geomng.com)
Orthophoto - (Source www.geomng.com)

But what about the Russian Constitution and personal life?

Soon summer residence silence become a buzzing in his ear))) (Sarcasm)

Assume the boundary portion to determine and privyazhut coordinate system. But many suburban areas have a greenhouse (greenhouses) or tents from the sun, which can be portable (not capital) - and how to make the drone from the height of the picture quality, do not confuse this with a brick shed temporary design? As something found on the site will be determined as the object of real estate? Many engineers in the state is not there, how much will such inconsistencies! Tomorrow you will transfer the tent to the other corner of the yard - and here's a new building))).

By the way, the territory of Russia 17 000 000 square kilometers, and "people on Earth do not occupy too much space... If all the inhabitants of the earth have converged and become solid as the crowd at the meeting, they would easily fit on the size of the space of twenty miles in length, and twenty in breadth " (Quote from the story "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery).

The fact that the human eye to determine the inconsistency of photos, you need to zoom in, and then, sorry, you truselyah (or may not) comes on. Is this not an invasion of privacy !?

illustration author
illustration author

The use of drones is regulated air CodeBut found plenty of discrepancies, one of which - the altitude and the boundary of your property above the level of your land.

How can calculate the border?

Referring to of the Constitution- there is no information about the boundaries, except Article №23: "Everyone has the right to privacy" and quadrocopter violates this unambiguously: 20x zoom of 150 meters will consider all your charms.

Is there some more Federal Law №218 from 13.07.2015 Mr..: The area of ​​land - a geometric figure formed by the projection of the borders in the horizontal plane - this is your property! As for height - is not described.

Another law, which could be used - it is "land code"But it stated that the territory of the site - it's just the earth's surface area. About the word air!

But "Civil Code"Tells us that the owner of the site can use at their discretion all that is and under, and over the land cover. BUT use only, nothing more. Use - without violating the rights of others! All!

And everywhere, everywhere there is no clear description of the boundaries of any unit of measurement - both downwards and upwards from the surface! Fall is a miracle on top of the head, in the car or on the roof of the house - who claims whose drone? It is not a black box, and if there is some kind of "flash", this "toy" shatters to pieces after falling from a height.

Simply put, from my point of view (personal relation) - the law is not unique, is interpreted as a wish, and we, ordinary people have to wait the first precedents and jurisprudence on drones!

Can anyone else have any thoughts?

Not to be unfounded, the link to the news page Rosreestra HERE!

Good luck and good!


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