China refuses to Windows and other US products

  • Dec 24, 2019

The Chinese authorities have decided to completely abandon US software in state institutions and all companies working with state institutions (which is probably half of China). By the end of 2022 personal computers to US government agencies should not be.

"3-5-2" import substitution program is named. The figures indicate that 30% of the equipment and software in 2021 will be replaced in 2020 - another 50%, and in 2022 the remaining 20%.

It must be replaced not only the US software, but also the "iron" - from laptops to smartphones.

I wonder how it will affect the world computer industry as a whole. After all, if millions of Chinese computer will not Windows, will inevitably have to make another system (Most likely some flavor of Linux) is so comfortable that she could use a half of China. And if half of China will use the system, it is possible and the rest of the world wants it to go.

By the way, in the autumn of 2019, Huawei, deprived of the possibility of sanctions to install Windows on their new computers, laptops MateBook released on the basis of Chinese Deepin Linux. It is possible that this system will become the "Chinese replacement for Windows"

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