How to make the insulation of the attic from inside the house? It is difficult, but possible! My experience.

  • Dec 24, 2019

Good day, dear guests and subscribers!

In this article I want to tell you how I had last winter to insulate mansard roof from the inside ...

All terms have been thwarted due to the prolonged masonry house, deck truss roofing membrane system produced literally in the rain and sometimes small snow, so I did not have time to do packing a heater at that point, and had to postpone the matter to the last stage.

Since all the "burning" in his hands, he could not do a lot of photos and pre-apologize for it, but I will describe the process in detail ...

When installing the membrane using a stapler. Temporary hooking one band to the truss system, unwound from a second overlap 15 cm., The bonding joint special adhesive tape and fixed the bar kontrobreshetki. When the membrane has been fixed on either side of the ramp for a couple of days filled with a companion crate (inch board 10 cm.).

I made measurements of skates and ordered metal roofing and vodostochku. And as long as the order to manufacture and delivery was the time - he began to attic insulation.

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He scored flat screwdriver insulation in the gap between the belt and monolithic mauerlat and zapenil these joints.

Further, all the cracks Mezhuyev masonry wall materials and wooden elements of rafters and tie - not penyl and scored a heater, which is very important! Wood - a natural material, subject to shifting of, and the foam in such places will eventually depart and form a gap in the future - a draft!

Since I used the membrane, the insulation is installed without any ventzazorov, immediately adjacent to the material. Laying basalt mats made "ladder" without coincidence joints between the layers.

Since the distance between the rafter varied from 58 cm. to 60 cm. due to little pokruchennogo timber - in some places insulation dropped, not having sufficient thrust. In such cases, I, armed with a stapler and a nylon thread, zigzag fastens it to the rafters. In the photo above you can see the red nylon thread.

To all this pie fell on his head before laying a vapor barrier, the lower layer holding vysheulozhennye mats - sutured in the same thread zigzag.

By experience, all of these studies strongly suggest to do with glasses, a respirator, clothing with long sleeves, and even in the hat - as in the process of so many "itch" dust that clogged it everywhere: in the nose, in ears, hair, etc. - and this is a huge minus insulation inside !!!

So I'm inclined to insulate all parts of the roof which did not have access at the top and began to fix vapor barrier. It is much easier compared to the basalt mats!

Roll out the roll on the floor, fastened one end to the rafters at an overlap on the wall 15 cm -. And natyazhechku from the rafters to rafters fastened by a stapler.

So I have done with the whole ceiling. Next, cut through the hatch to insulate all the places where he was on top of free access and rarely hem dyuymovka to avoid breaking the vapor barrier on the weight of the mats.

For everything it took 3 days and 11 with a small cub basalt heater size 0.8m x 0.6m x 5 cm., as well as 1 km. a nylon thread))).

So, if it is possible and does not interfere with the weather, Insulate all at once prior to installation of roofing, - and it is much easier your work!

Thanks for attention!

"Rafter system in two hands. As I was doing the roof "

"Masonry rubble. My choice in favor of longevity "


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