Wife washed the window sill. Dimexide helped, even yellowness left!

  • Dec 24, 2019

Plastic windows are now in almost every apartment are. Accordingly them rely and plastic window sills. They, when new, looks very beautiful. White - please look.

But over time, during operation, they will be sure to get dirty. After all, in any case, he did not let you have at home, it definitely, something worthwhile. Someone puts flowerpots, gardeners, grow the seedlings on the windowsill. Someone iron stands and stuff on it lying around. All this leads to the fact that the pristine snow-whiteness disappears sill. He becomes stained and yellowing.

Here is such an ugly and dirty window sill
Here is such an ugly and dirty window sill

And well, if you have time to notice that there were some dirty spots, then wash them is not difficult. But if you proscholkali, and these stains ingrained into the windowsill, then wash it will not be so easy.

In principle, the methods of cleaning the window sill there is not enough. Previously, his wife cleaned with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Then I tried to even toothpaste to clean it. Like as the upper layer of dirt is washed, but will still stain and yellow stain, if not such clear and remain. And it does not paint the window-sill. He was still with them has lost its appearance.

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If absolutely everything is bad, and after the use of various layhakov sill absolutely clean does not become, I offer you a proven way to his wife. With his help, she has washed all the window sills of the apartment to the pristine purity.

The method is not complicated, and does not require you to large investments, both forces and material.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

You need:

1. Washing powder, which contains a whitening effect (yes it is not cheap, but it's worth it, you need it a bit, then that will use for its intended purpose);

2. Baking soda;

3. Dimexide (sold in the pharmacy, its low cost).

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures


Take 100 grams of detergent powder, adding to it 50 grams of baking soda, the mixture was poured into boiling water and stir powders. During kneading, add a little boiling water, we must at the output to obtain a homogeneous mass, such as porridge!

Then the wife of this mess whisk whisk.

After the mixture is prepared, it is necessary to put on the windowsill, a little rub with a sponge, then still apply the mixture and leave in this state for 30-40 minutes.

After the control time has passed, the powder is washed off with soda cloth soaked in warm waters. Then, carefully inspect your window sill, and, if left any stains, does not matter what color they are, takes dimexide, obmachivaete sponge in it and trote these spots. Rubbing, leave this state for 15 minutes Th.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

All spots Dimexidum you finally washed clean. Next take hot water, dissolved therein soap previously grated on a grater, and my after Dimexidum sill. Rinse need a couple of times.

That's all. Wipe clean with a cloth, and your window sill can not be distinguished from the new. This method is very effective!

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