Who is the silverfish and how to rid your bathroom from her

  • Dec 24, 2019
It is necessary to win the dampness. / Photo: youtube.com.
It is necessary to win the dampness. / Photo: youtube.com.

You come used to the toilet at night, turn on the light, and there, right in front of the tank sits on the floor of something small, nasty and very frisky! He looks at you with her tiny eyes, mustache and intimidating moves his whole appearance proclaims that the whole tile with multiple slits is now belonged to him. What kind of creature is and how to get rid of it (if you suddenly very necessary).

And who is "silverfish" and where she lives

That's how it looks. / Photo: youtube.com.
That's how it looks. / Photo: youtube.com.

"Sugar silverfish" or "silverfish" (Latin Lepisma saccharina) is small insects rarely grew to 1.9 cm in length. In most cases, it has a body in the range of 0.8-1.2 cm. Contrary to popular misconception silverfish not millipede, namely insect. Know it can be the characteristic mustache on the tail and the head. Presumably the insect came to us from tropical latitudes. In the wild they are found under rocks, snags and fallen leaves. Love dark and damp places. Are nocturnal. Once exposed to light, try as quickly as possible to hide in the shelter. It moves very briskly and quickly, but make small stop between the "dashes".

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He lives in the cracks. / Photo: youtube.com.
He lives in the cracks. / Photo: youtube.com.

Silverfish eats foods of plant origin which is composed of starch and polysaccharides. "Diet" insect can consist of a very unexpected things, including glue, book binding, toilet paper, flour, sugar and even exfoliated particles of human skin.

Now the main thing - whether the person is dangerous for silverfish? Silverfish do not show to the person as such, no interest. They do not bite and do not try to do that. In the entire history (and numerous contacts with these insects) did not reveal a single fact silverfish negative impact on human health. Disease insect can not stand.

The apartments silverfish often live in the bathroom and toilet, where the majority of the time a dark, warm and humid. Hiding in crevices.

How to deal with silverfish


If such a "cohabitants" you really do not like, it effectively combats Silverfish can be the only way. Namely - to eliminate the cause of their appearance, high humidity. Check whether the pipe, and a mixer valve flow. Most important, make sure that ventilation is working as it should.

Breed silverfish extremely small populations, are short-lived, so if you eliminate the causes of their appearance, very soon they will leave your apartment, "moving" in a warm, humid and sunny place.

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