Cancel allowable overspeed of 20 km / h. New penalties and new government promises.

  • Dec 24, 2019

Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs was instructed by the Government Commissioner Dimitri Medvedev to consider a decision on the introduction of penalties for speeding trucks from 10 to 20 km / h. Discussion of this issue began in 2014 and periodically raised at the meetings of the MVD. However, the decision has been made so far.

Photo source: Yandex service pictures
Photo source: Yandex service pictures

The Russian government has instructed the settlement of an open question until 2 December. The meeting, held in Yekaterinburg this month, a spokesman for the Cabinet of Ministers discussed measures tightening liability of foreign nationals in violation of traffic rules on the Russian roads. A decision was made to help reduce the transport tax for Russian citizens and change the structure of the road fund (We certainly hope, but ...).

Exceeding the speed limit by 10-20 km / h is not suppressed in 2013. Therefore, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other authorities given to the installation detail consider the advisability of legalizing penalties in respect of this case.

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Disputes not subside, but no result

For many years, starting in 2014 the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was developed law on the introduction of penalties for such infringement, but to the State Duma, he is not entered. In 2018 Maxim Liskutov (head mosdepartamenta Transport) again raised the issue, but also its consideration postponed.

Photo source: Yandex service pictures
Photo source: Yandex service pictures

Later, the traffic police leadership drafted a bill to punish offenders for speeding on motor vehicles in the 10 - 20 km / h where the guilty person had to replenish the treasury for 1500 Russian rubles. When exceeding more than 20 or 40 km / h, the driver is obliged to pay up to 3,000 Russian rubles, and with repeated violations, he was deprived of the possibility to get a discount at fast payment penalty. However, this proposal is not in force.

In the September live on "Autoradio" Vladimir Kuzin, it was decided to punish Schumacher car for speeding. In addition, the acting chief of the traffic police said that a large percentage of the emergency situation on the Russian roads is the result of non-compliance with traffic rules and failure to comply with speed. Statistics show that in 2018 the fines of about 81.3 million was recorded on the roads, motorists exceed the speed of 40 km / h.

The party "United Russia" proposes to leave the proposal on traffic crime only on paper

Photo source: Yandex service pictures
Photo source: Yandex service pictures

Before you translate the law into force, the counselors in parliament are trying by all means to put forward their ideas and push the decision "for later".
According to them, you must first initiate reforms relating to the limit on a multilane highway. It is known that a fixed number of kilometers on the road 60 is set to high speed circuits.

Peter Shkumatov believes that such restrictions across Russia on the roads can lead to unpredictable consequences. "Road Coordinator," notes the current high-speed mode is maintained by a balance limit of 19 km / h, but if you change it to 10, it will lead the tense situation on the road. The driver on the highway will have to "keep pace" on the gas pedal and the brakes on standby.

Photo source: Yandex service pictures
Photo source: Yandex service pictures

Shkumatov also stressed that the majority of Russian routes is minimal restrictions, but to improve the situation on the roads are not marked.

It is well known that public meetings are often affected by this issue and frequent discussions will soon lead to a result. However, what the outcome of these changes will become clear only in practice.

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