Cheap replacement land block into the toilet bowl

  • Dec 24, 2019

Each apartment has a bathroom, where the toilet is located, respectively. The other can not be. And every housewife and the owner wants it to foreign odors were not in the toilet. And everyone must understand that the source of odor becomes just the toilet.

Dear blocks in the toilet
Dear blocks in the toilet

Therefore, going to the store, we buy expensive enough blocks and hang on the edge of the bowl, so that during the descent to the water washed the unit and its contents, thus eliminating unpleasant odors.

Blocks, as I wrote above is not from the cheap stuff. In Ashan, two blocks cost about 269 rubles, and that's enough of these units is not more than a week. It is certainly possible to get discounts, and if I do succeed, then immediately buy 4 packs.

Therefore, visiting the Auchan, the wife of the list necessarily wrote about the need to buy a unit in the toilet. Sometimes it really is financially straining.

1200 almost rubles a month, that would be only the toilet did not smell. I personally get expensive.

Then I read a great idea as a cheap way to eliminate the smell from the toilet without buying special blocks.

instagram viewer

It is not strange, the savior of the purse was toothpaste. Very good idea, thanks to the author, is working at 100 percent!

What would the idea to realize the need to:

1. Buy one of the cheapest toothpaste;

Picture: Youtube
Picture: Youtube

2. Take a needle and tube to make a few punctures;

Picture: Youtube
Picture: Youtube

3. Open the tank lid toilet;

Picture: Youtube
Picture: Youtube

4. The wort tank put beforehand tube of toothpaste;

Picture: Youtube
Picture: Youtube

5. Close the toilet tank cover;

6. With pleasure bleed and enjoy a pleasant fragrance.

Picture: Youtube
Picture: Youtube

While in the toilet tank, perforated tube will gradually leach out, fall into the water and prevent the formation of unpleasant odors.

Most in this cool that one tube is enough for a month. That is a month he does his job, and his order price 60-100 rubles. Depending on your choice of toothpaste. Imagine saving some 1,000 rubles, even a little more than a month.

Very good, all advise. The more so because the result is really very good, toothpaste does its job very, very effective!

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