Many times I have already said that my wife chistyulya, and does not like to dust or dirt, much less unpleasant odors. And somewhere once again I learned that that would be out of the trash can always smelled good in it and you need a little trash bag on the bottom of a washing powder to sleep.
It is no secret in the garbage bag we throw different garbage, including hard and sharp. There also can and throw away leftover food, and what is left after cooking the potato salads and cooking.
Accordingly, hard and sharp debris quite able to tear the trash bag, and from it can begin to pour slurry formed in it.
Despite the fact that my wife always makes throw trash bags as they are filled, that is nothing out of them do not fray, but I usually do it once a day, in the morning. In the evening, somewhere I heard that a bad omen, a trash can make, so do not throw trash in the evening, everything in the morning I leave.
And if suddenly some food waste will podtuhat, the powder is in the package absorbs moisture dirty and would not let her finally go bad and stink. Powder is completely able to neutralize the odor.
It may be a situation that the trash bag will break, and out of his hole waste can sleep in the trash itself. Here awaits them laundry detergent, which also will not give them up in the morning otschelknutsya, to decay and smell.
Allegedly with his wife's words, this method was used during the Soviet canteens. Besides the lack of odor, the use of washing powder ensures protection from the appearance of unwanted guests such as cockroaches!
And you put in the trash washing powder?