A matter of minutes. Without the use of tools connect PVC pipes

  • Dec 24, 2019

Laying drains in the house, as a rule, remain not a few scraps of PVC pipes, in which cut off the connection sockets. And in fact, without the use of special couplings, they become waste.

But does this garbage should be carried in the trash?

The answer is simple. It's not worth it. There are enough non-standard ways of connecting using that cutting pipes without connection sockets can be more useful to you.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

Nonstandard compounds suggest the formation of sockets. And it can be done in minutes.
Important moment, just need to decide on what kind of pipe it is necessary to form a funnel. As a rule, its location must be to the closest side to the discharge direction.

For the formation of the socket, you must first make a bevel (edge ​​cut at an angle). In fact, the chamfer is not so necessary. If you connect the pipe without it, just need to make a great physical effort.

When compound trimming should be prepared. On the edge you need to grind off any burrs that would be in the future, they do not interfere with work.

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Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

The pipe must be heated. This can be done using a hair dryer construction, a gas stove flames, flame burners, electric banal - fire. Heat the edge of the pipe on which the socket plan form. Heat needed for long, about a minute - half.

When heating the tube was gently swirled that it had warmed evenly. Dangerous in this case overheating. Better not dogret than overheat. If nedogreli, you can still take an additional heating.

If you heat the pipe using for this purpose an open fire, proceed very carefully, that would not melt pipe. As well, for lack of building a hair dryer to heat up the pipe, you can use ordinary boiling water.

The heating of the pipe in a minute, it is possible to start to form the socket. Pre-prepared chamfer of the second tube, with little effort application enters the preheated pipe. If we talk about the distance that has to enter the tube into the tube, then 5 cm would be sufficient.

If you need to make a demountable connection, inserting the tube into the pipe, turn it up until all your design is cool. Cooled down, the socket will form the correct shape.

Photo: Yandex Pictures
Photo: Yandex Pictures

The connection will secure, and do not even require the application of the sealant. Leaks will not be so.

If you need nonseparable connection, the pipe in the pipe does not need to twist and inserting, press this well and allow to cool. Will absolutely tight connection.

But if you're still afraid of leaks of such a connection, take the liquid nails, sealant, silicone.

The connection will not worse than the factory.

Thus connecting the tube, you will have a perfectly normal flow, flowing water is unlikely to be able to prevent that.

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