Life hacking of antiquity. Making the eternal wood! It is used for a long time!

  • Dec 24, 2019
We all want to serve wood for many years, does not crack, does not rot, does not tochilas beetles pests. And that would be environmental.

The farm I have a wooden rake, which Cuttings for many years, at least 30 years exactly, can a little more. They got me once by his great-grandfather. They are in excellent condition, with no rake standing in a dry and dark place and actively used each summer at the many hayfields. The wood of the rake has been made for a special old recipe that I want to share with you, Dear readers!

I needed in the economy brush broom. Separately purchased separately brush and was purchased for her a wooden stalk. I remembered the ancient method of manufacturing everlasting wood. I decided to use it, just the right moment.

The principle of this ancient method is very simple!

At first the stalk must be thoroughly dry.

Next you need to burn it. I use this process, a gas burner with a balloon.

You need to burn evenly without perederzhivaya in one place. The top layer of cuttings should char and become black.

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Once burned stalks, need to handle it with sandpaper medium grain. After cleaning it should look like this purchase.

At this stage, the stalk has already received good protection. Heat killed all possible "germs" decay. Open fire burned, the so-called wood sugar, so the stalk became quite attractive to the beetle - grinders and other "evil".

But this is not the end!

The next step in this method is the treatment of wood in any oil. Best of all - it is flaxseed oil. But as linseed I was not, so I just handled the oil - mining. Veils in two layers, giving a dry cuttings between treatments.

After processing, wood oil, put it in a warm and dry place to dry out and give it 2-3 days.

All you now hold in your hands "Eternal" SharingWho is not afraid nor any adversity. With this method, you can handle any wood, protecting it for many decades.

I do not impose you this Method as a universal and the only right! I'm just sharing their thoughts and experiences, hoping that it someone will even marginally useful.

If ye can that that to add or correct me, please comment.

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See also:Bio-toilet in the country with their own hands - simply and cheaply.