Bath at VSD assistance in the treatment of

  • Dec 24, 2019

Seen bath at vegetososudistoy contraindicated. And it may even be a good additional therapy if you follow the guidelines and adhere to certain restrictions.

Such a malfunction of the nervous system only in rare cases, may be the cause of failure of baths, and mostly it does not cause further harm to health and may even have a therapeutic the effect.

VVD and Bath

Dystonia (VVD) - a violation of the nervous system that is responsible for the normal operation of the basic protective functions of the body. In particular - the ability of the organism to adequately adapt to internal and external stimuli.

Visiting baths occurs increase in body temperature, which accelerates the metabolism and increases the work of many body systems, including - the nervous system. People with VSD recommended to attend bath for medicinal purposes, but you need to follow a few important rules:

  • It is impossible to go to the steam room. The body has to adapt to high temperature gradually, so the first few minutes you need to sit in a waiting room, and then - to take a warm shower.
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  • In the steam room first need to start sweating on the bottom shelf where the temperature - below.
  • Stay in the sauna should be no longer than ten minutes, making a break between each call of the same duration. During a break, you need to drink plenty of fluids to make up for the loss of body moisture (but it should not be alcoholic drinks).
  • To prevent overheating, the steam room should wear a hat.
In the steam room is not forbidden to use a broom. This is useful for heart and vascular procedure, which has also a tonic effect on the whole. If at some time in the steam room feel worse - you must leave immediately.

Benefits and harms of baths at VSD

Direct therapeutic action when visiting the baths for people with no VSD, but such an event as a whole improves the body's work as a whole: there is a relaxation and relaxation, improves the function of the heart, removes toxins and slags.

Serious contraindications to visit Bath for the violation of the nervous system functions, but there are restrictions on such procedures in such diseases as serious mental disorders, hypertension II and III stages, kidney stones, coronary heart disease, tuberculosis and diseases of the circulatory system.

Also, the bath is not worth visiting during pregnancy (regardless of date) and during breastfeeding. Bath at VSD has a positive effect on the body's condition, and if there is no serious contraindications -So procedure can be considered as a complementary treatment.