Why rebar can not cook, and it is necessary to knit

  • Dec 24, 2019

Many experienced builders are well aware that the reinforcement for reinforcing the foundations and other concrete structures, be sure to knit, and in any case not cook. And the main reason here is not an economic component. a very different reason.

1. Fittings made of hardened steelAnd when cooking electrodes in place of welding it is annealed and changes its properties. It becomes soft. And in all voltages, shifting of ground, etc... simply put, may break at the weld. This is especially critical on moving ground.

2. The second reason is still economic. Welding requires the welder electrodes mask. When high-quality welding joints electrodes diverge significantly. And if you take into account the deterioration of the welding machine and injury and light caused by welding, the weld reinforcement is quite an expensive process.

3. And another reason in favor of the reinforcement of knitting, it is the simplicity of the process. When cooking joints need at least a welder - a lover, even an amateur to cope with viscous fittings. Make a hook for knitting can be their own hands. This will require half an hour of time. Binding wire is worth a penny in the shops, and if desired, and the possibility of it is possible to find friends in the garage, well, or at the company that is running. And as you know that something that "bad" is always possible to "privatize"))).

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One joint mating takes no more than 10 - 15 seconds, and with experience and skill even less. Therefore, the binding of the time is spent much less than in the weld. In a well-connected framework bars tightly pressed against each other, and there is no gap for progress.

Mechanical properties of concrete at the mating process is much better than the welding. Such compounds reinforcement retain elasticity and quenched many voltage for various loads.

So, summing up: to get a strong and solid foundation, bridges, slabs, reinforcement Laying nets should always be knit. After all, the quality and reliability of concrete structures - is the most important for any construction.

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