He does not like Dracaena

  • Dec 24, 2019

Dracaena! I have a few plants of this variety. I know how to handle them. Yesterday we visit and admire the spectacular colors. So they decorate the room! A friend wanted to buy too. I decided to tell you how to properly care to have her as a novice, no problems.

If the wrong contact with flowers, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. What should pay attention to.

Adjust watering

Do not overfill, do not desiccate. Both leads to a weakening of the bush. Recommendations are as follows:

  • Summer lom water abundantly - 2 times a week.
  • In the winter reduced to 1 every 2 weeks. But if the room is dry - 1 every 1.5 weeks.

You can check on the earthen coma. If it is wet, then the watering time has not come. Instead, it is better to spray more often from a spray, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Important! 1 time per month lower the pot in a basin of water. This is analogous to copious irrigation.

Keep track lighting

In the summer months, place away from windows, where a soft, diffused light. Then the leaves will not burn out of direct sunlight. The cold keep the flowers close to the window, but not on the window sill.

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Avoid extremes of temperature

14-26 ° C is ideal for the flower. Increase, decrease it, as well as dry air, warm the battery, airing cold, drafts - affects the shape, plant health.

Repot time

It is necessary to update the earth once every two years. Do this in the spring or summer.

At the same time, inspect the roots, remove the decayed plant and dracaena in the new dry unfertilized soil.

properly fertilize

The lack or overabundance of fertilizer - are equally disastrous. Time for food - from April to August. This is the period of active growth. Once or twice a month is enough. Select a special fertilizer for decorative-deciduous plants.

BY THE WAY! Personally, I am on the advice of a neighbor (and I have it still the avid Florist!) For several years buy a good fertilizer for your flowershere, and you can come in handy.

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