All Russian fairy tales Baba Yaga lived in a hut on chicken legs. Most interesting is that this story is based on real historical fact. Many people think the idea of chicken legs to the hut fiction authors, but it is confirmed by the actual history.
There are 2 versions of the origin. I'll tell you about both. What you consider the truth and what is fiction, decide for yourself.
So, the first version of ...
When in ancient times built wooden huts to live in, it was important to make such a structure safe and durable. The main danger for wooden logs came from the land where they were pulling in the moisture.
Eliminate interference of the lower rims of the hut and the ground could be several ways.
1. Application for the lower rims more water resistant wood such as larch or oak.
2. Staging hut on support collected from stumps, rocks and other material. Part of tree trunk with roots perpendicular to it was called kokoro, chicken.
This ensures the durability of the lower rims of the hut, and. Therefore, of the housing. If necessary, "Kuryi legs" could easily be replaced with new, stronger. Lower log hut remained dry and store more time.
A simple design of scrap materials effectively protect the house from various fowl, which tried to get into the house, particularly upon the occurrence of frost.
Even today, hunters in the wild taiga use this method to protect their food supply at the transfer points.
And now the second version ...
This version is associated with the pagan rites of the ancient Slavs 14 - 18 centuries. In the old days the dead people were burned and their ashes placed in peculiar houses on the backwaters high above ground level. These helpers, the manner of smoke fumigated, in order to preserve them from pests and various insect.
Hence the name on "Cournot feet". And in our time has been changed to "Chicken legs".
The ancient Slavs hut was this kind of "staging point" or "customs" between the world of the living and the dead. It costs usually near the forest (forest of the Slavs associated with the world of the dead), on the border between the worlds. It turns it to the front of the forest, and the hero of his back, on the contrary, thus opening the inputs from the world of the living world and the dead.
In the north of Russia and now there are huts, as a relic of ancient times.
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