As I keep garlic fresh at home until the summer: 3 Simple Ways (long-only do so)

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Do not just grow a rich harvest on your site. But even when it was possible, in front of a new task - to keep it until the next harvest. Today I'll share three of his secrets on how to maintain the fresh garlic until next fall, so it does not dryab not germinate and did not lose their flavor.

Method № 1

All brilliant - just. Digging the garlic, cut the stalk into three centimeters from the head and is very well-dried (as usual - in the shade, in a well-ventilated area). But the three-liter glass jars, on the contrary - is roasted in the sun for a long time.

And put the garlic in jars, in any case, without closing the lids! Thus it perfectly preserved until the next harvest (in a dark place at a temperature no higher than 15 degrees).

Some of the hosts sprinkles garlic in jars with salt or flour and change them several times over the winter as moisture. I tried to be honest - did not like.

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It takes a lot of time and, if you suddenly miss the moment when the flour or salt become moist, garlic sprout instantly. So I just keep it in the bank, without any "impurities".

Method № 2

If ordinary banks do not make you trust, and the result is needed for sure, there is a more complicated procedure that provides maximum safety of garlic: processing in linseed oil.

You can use any vegetable oil, but I prefer all the same, linseed "assistant."

  • Half a liter of oil need to boil, allow to cool and add 10 drops of iodine.
  • Treat each head of garlic, dry thoroughly and put in wooden crates.

Method № 3

The most beautiful version of the storage of garlic - braided in a braid. To that we have something to braid, clean it will need a little before the usual period - until the green stalks are not at all dry. It is also the fastest way: Trim will have only the root system, and drying can be not so long and carefully - dosohnet in braids.

I braided garlic hung on a string of kitchen corners: turns out very nice and cozy: sorry even shoot for cooking!

I keep garlic in all three ways. A second use for the largest garlic (some just not convenient to get from banks). The first option is ideal for the storage of the bulbs of medium size, and the third is, of course, for the most beautiful harvest.

Important! By choosing one of three ways to store garlic is necessary to select only undamaged.

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