How to build a sauna in the years to come: fast and cheap

  • Dec 24, 2019

For any Russian person room means much more than just a place to wash. The long history of the bath of art runs like a red thread through the history of the Russian state. Today, Bath occurs less frequently, because most live in comfortable apartments with private bathrooms.

A few owners of suburban areas also in no hurry to acquire the pair since its construction It comes at a price. How do you build a reliable bath and not go broke, read on.

On what to save in the construction?

Options "loopholes" for the budget, in fact, quite a lot. So before you start building it is best to study the issue thoroughly. To begin, exclude all hazards that may cause fire or damage to your health in the future.

If your budget is limited as much as possible, you have to carefully calculate all of its steps, consult with experts, do not leave everything to chance. It is best to save on direct steam cubic meters, but finishing materials to choose quality:

  • The furnace is best to buy without external furnace. This will help to save material for lighting on heating steam;
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  • On the chimney pipe set water tank;
  • Pay special attention to a heater in the bath. The less heat will leave the street, the more economical will firelighter bath;
  • Instead of a shower or shower set a regular tub with water. This, incidentally, is more useful for health;
  • When purchasing, choose the bars lining the short sizes. They are less expensive;
  • Roof erect bath is not too high. The ratio of the width and height must not exceed 1:3. On such a roof and materials will leave less and chimney to such a construction, need low.

Variant durable and cheap bath

Such an embodiment will overcome most bath. Guys get robust, compact and low cost.

Step 1. First and foremost we are building the foundation. It is best to give preference to a columnar structure. For the casing, choose simple and budget pipes for sewerage 110 mm. Valve mount of the two linked rods.

Step 2. Go to the trim. Under it should lay the stud length 50 cm. Fit the harness 15x15 cm, Prepare the frame rack height 220 cm. The entire framework is necessary to process the drug "Neomid 440" or any other similar structure. Walls can modify the process and just pick them up. Then obsheyte all DSPs.

Step 3. Obsheyte cheap roof slate. After that, go to the warming of buildings. Insulation can choose any.

Step 4. Inside the set inexpensive stove (some make home-made). Required under the oven Put the brick corner. Trim all clapboard, install trim and baseboards.

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