"From the ills of disease": the use of bath brooms

  • Dec 24, 2019

Did you know that the broom - not only a great massager, with which you can significantly increase blood circulation throughout the body? Leaflets also release fine essential oils that are great to improve metabolism and even cope with premature aging.

Of course, it is necessary to understand that every broom - different, but its healing properties are directly dependent on the material from which it was made. Today let's talk more about the varieties of brooms as well as about how to use them correctly, never to complain about your health.

What the broom is better?


Relieve joint pain and back pain, significantly accelerate the healing of small scratches. Birch steam favorably affects the bronchi, so for smokers and asthmatics such broom is simply irreplaceable.


Coping with excess sebum on the skin, making it soft and silky. Such broom calm nerves and reduce pressure.


Get rid of headaches, perfect for those cold, as has antipyretic property.


Many say its medicinal properties: excellent cope with a sore throat and runny nose. However, be prepared for the fact that to keep a broom in his hand quite hard for beginners "bath" of the case.

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massage broom

  • If fresh broom, they can bathe almost immediately without having to brew, so as the product can be sour.
  • If the broom had already dried up, it must be slightly wet it with cold water and left in a basin just for a moment, and then he thoroughly soaked in hot water for 4-5 minutes.

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Note! The "older" broom, the longer it will need to prepare for the bath procedure. To do this, you must do the same manipulation as in the above case, however, a container with a broom need extra cover with another basin. Only after these procedures to carry out three times, the broom is ready for use.

Follow some rules that will help to relax, not only you but also your body:

  • Use only wet broom. So it does not dry at the wrong time, moisten it is sometimes in the water.
  • It is not necessary to bathe too hard, the movement should be light, staccato, to just touch the body slightly.
  • If the temperature of the pair reached 65 degrees, the movement of brooms should be even softer - otherwise you risk to burn the body.
Take the brooms with the steam room - a good sign, because they are considered the most important tools are not only a good mood in the bath, but also a perfect attribute improvement in the bath. Remember, if you are suddenly caught a cold - go to the bath!