What should be done with black currant now: Only 2 steps to the big harvest

  • Dec 24, 2019

How and what process in November bushes of black currant from pests and diseasesTo get a big summer harvest from healthy bushes? I want to share a personal experience of a happy gardener repeatedly proven in practice.

Bother in November - will delight in August!

Currants are not capricious and, at the same time, very rewarding culture. If her to take care, she will grant you abundant summer harvest.

Say thank you"

Thanks to this miracle plant must say dressingFor which I use the most simple "rural" means - humus and wood ashes.

On average hive will need a bucket of well-decomposed humus (laid around the bush in the form of around-trunk circle) and half a liter of ash.

There are also chemical fertilizers, feed bushes that can be a week after treatment "village" means. is perfect superphosphate and potassium phosphate solution (tablespoon per 10 liters of water) Or nitrophoska (the same proportion).

mission Possible

"Thank you" is to say currants in early November, and in a week you need to "declare war" - pests and diseases. If you leave them for the winter, the spring became strong to fight the "enemy" is already complicated.

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There are two main types of struggle, "Grandma" and "modern scientific". How to use - depending on the individual condition of your plants.

"Grandma" way

Will approach you in the event that the bushes conducted constant care and they have no distinct diseases.

To begin, remove the bushes from all fallen leaves, which can be for the winter, "buried" Pests and cut the damaged branches. Then fill the spray solution of soap (rub on a grater half bar and dissolved in 10 liters of water) and carefully sprinkle each bush.

Soap - the cheapest and very effective fighter with all sorts of pests.

The next day, complement the effect of iodine solution - for 1 liter of water is sufficient just one drop.

Modern-scientific way

Will have to apply for sick or weak bushes, poor growing, prone to disease.

Currants better handle the complex: at the same time - drugs that can protect the hive from fungal diseases (rust, powdery mildew) and pests - (aphids, raspberry beetle and sesiidae mite). I use this proven drugs -

"Antigusen" and "Boxwood": breed package of both in 5 liters of water. The resulting solution is enough for 5-6 bushes.

Important! Treatment is carried out only in calm weather!

Another tip

In parallel with the need to fight aphids ants that carry aphids on the bush. To do this, there is a huge amount of drugs as benign and harsh: here the choice is yours.

So - we undertake boldly for the cause of right now, as the upcoming summer - rejoice abundant harvest! My dear readers, thank you for your Husky (fingers up)! It is the best reward for me, and a valuable incentive to move on! I invite all and all their soul - Subscribe on my channel. I'm glad you! :) And also pleased to invite you to its new website "4 SEASONS Ogorodnikov".