5 important rules when choosing a furnace in the bath

  • Dec 24, 2019

Building reliable baths - it is half the battle. It is important not only to build strong walls, but to equip the steam from the inside. The heart is any bath furnace. Therefore, many on the stage of choosing the stove in the sauna or steam bath are lost, because you want to purchase is not too expensive, but the quality option. What factors should I consider when choosing a furnace for steam, read on.

The volume of the heated space

This is the main parameter to be considered when choosing a stove. Heating pomyvochnaya and steam room are always together, which means that the oven should be able to heat both of these spaces.

Step 1. Calculate the steam space and pomyvochnaya. furnace capacity must be sufficient for both rooms.

Step 2. If you do not plan to save on bath, it is possible to think about heating throughout the sauna. In this case, first calculate the dimensions pair, pomyvochnaya, and then the remaining rooms. Priplyusuet all the data, and only then choose the furnace, which capacity is able to "cover" the entire bath completely.

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Step 3. Do not skimp on the stove, the lack of power can ruin all the work done. Bath just will not heat thoroughly, and therefore will not function.

The material of which is constructed bath

The required oven capacity will also depend on whether, from what you have built a steam room. For example, brick sauna will warm much longer, which is not true of wood. So baths from the beam will be more beneficial in terms of equipment selection.

Operation Operating baths

Determine in advance how often you use the steam room. If you plan to bathe a couple of times a week, you can choose the unit with not too high levels of power. If you plan to visit the bath more often, you need to choose a firm stove more power, so that she could work out a long time without any failures and problems.

Consider the place where it will be installed stove

Small guys do not have too much space. So what options places where it was possible to put the oven, not so much. Therefore, in advance, consider the size of your steam room, as well as correlate their fire safety measures. Only then can we consider what kind of buy the stove to its installation and operation took place without any problems.

kind of fuel

Naturally, the selection of the furnace depends not only on the size of the steam room or the material from which it is built. An important point is the fuel that you want to use for kindling sauna. There are several options:

  • gas;
  • electricity;
  • solid fuel;
  • liquid fuel.

With the right approach you can choose a stove model that will meet all your needs and at the same time fit into the performance of your steam room.

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