Build their own hands: budget room 3 of 3 from a bar

  • Dec 24, 2019

In today's world of building there is a large number of different materials. However, the most popular for high buildings baths still using simple beam or beams. Today let's talk more about how to build their own small bath from a bar with your hands.

Why cant?

Such material looks good, does not shrink and is resistant to temperature changes. Such a bath is much easier to do, because the length of the boards do not need to be customized for a specific size and length, just enough to put him on a ready foundation.

Bath 3 on 3 is perfect for those site owners who want to save on materials.

However, it should be noted that such a small room suited for only two or three people. For such a small space heater spend much less time and effort. As a rule, use the oven once ready.

How to build a sauna from a bar?

  • Any construction must begin with the production of the project and site selection for future construction. Best of all for the bath of the log suitable flat land. Log cabin can be installed not only on the strip foundation, but also on bored. However, the height of the foundation should be
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    not less than 80 centimeters. Do not forget about the ground water, on which will be the foundation.
  • Once you have decided on the construction site of the future, it is necessary to dig a pit. To do this, a small trench dug in the lowest point of the proposed site.
  • To reduce the load on the foundation, put a sandy base. Many experts recommend a compacted sand the entire surface of the trench.
  • When planning, keep in mind that the windows of the future baths should look strictly at the western or southern direction, and put the door just to the south. This will help avoid large accumulations of snow drifts and deprive vexing problems with electricity.

How to choose a frame for a bath?

  • When purchasing materials for specialized hardware store, prefer the smooth wood. On the log cabins for a future bath should not be any cracks, chips, and other similar defects. This greatly simplifies the collection of future construction.
  • For the bath is preferable to use a material such as larch, spruce and aspen. Standard sizes of such products - 6 6 3 and 6.

How to make bath log cabin with his own hands?

For those who do not want to communicate with the log suppliers, there is a great opportunity to save money - you can make a frame with your hands. This requires high-quality thick logs of at least In a volume of 30 cm. Once you have chosen a log, start cutting them at the desired size.

Going for a bath log cabin from horizontal rows around the perimeter. After all the procedures allow to cut down a bit of time to "relax" - it should settle. As you're done, be sure to treat the wood, to increase the service life of the finished building.

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