The project budget baths 4x4

  • Dec 24, 2019

Compact, or combinations of the structure - the best way out for the small suburban areas. House in a greenhouse, a garage with a loft, gazebo with outdoor kitchen and, of course, sauna, as well in the summer at the cottage, you can not only work, but also to relax.

Bath 4x4 m - the perfect solution for limited space for development. Even with a small space, you can arrange a decent place to rest, placing there everything you need. How to get a full bath on the 4 square meters - on.

nuances plan

In any space in the first place need to think, where will be located the key premises bath - steam washing and dressing room.

Features a compact structure plan:

  • If you are planning a small square building baths, all the available space should be divided into two equal parts, one of which is equipped with washing with steam, and the second to leave the changing room.
  • The oven can be installed in any room, but it will be better equip it in a steam room, and access to the furnace to do with the adjacent room.
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  • Adding a modest layout of the bath building a small vestibule, you will receive an air cushion which separates the internal space from the street. This is especially true with the proviso frequent use bath in the winter.
  • For location of rooms with high humidity no special requirements, but better to place them closer to the waste pit on the site.
  • The windows in the steam room should be narrow and placed under the ceiling. For a compact bath, there will be enough for one small opening. The window size can be placed more in the break room.

material selection guide

As a rule, for the bath there is a classic set of building material, which is ideal for buildings of similar purpose. But each building has its peculiarities. This region's climate and soil characteristics and method of use of buildings.

Step 1.Choosing the material for the foundation. Pay attention to the ground, as well as the construction of the neighborhood areas. More often than not, most people are used to the optimum design of the climate and the type of materials. For a small bathhouse will be enough and pier foundation of concrete or brick.

Step 2. What do the walls? Classical solution - it CYLINDRICAL bar. Wood - heat of the material, which for centuries used for the construction of baths.

Step 3. Than cover the roof? For small non-residential buildings it is important to use a practical and inexpensive material is an example of corrugated board. You can also use a metal tile or residues of other roofing materials.

Construction bath 4x4 - this affordable opportunity to equip the albeit small suburban area with everything needed for a comfortable stay.

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