Catch 5 tips, thanks to which your money tree (Crassula) bloom

  • Dec 24, 2019

More than ten years in my house lived a money tree and here six months ago, I learned that it turns out, can bloom! For most people, flowering Jade (or Crassula) - the same myth, as the color of a fern in a magical night. Today, I'll share the secret of his magic.

Money Tree can be found on almost every windowsill as apartments and offices. This is due both to the omen (attracts wealth), and with the undemanding plant. The tree grows rapidly, but the bloom is really very rare.

Jade Homeland - South Africa. Hence it is clear that the plant is very warm and photophilous. In our latitudes of the African sun can only dream ...

What to do?

Create home "Africa":

  • Choosing our mascot tree sunniest windowsill in the house. At the same time direct sunlight to fall on the plant should not be in any case - the leaves can get burns. If all the windows apartments located on the north side, enhances the effects of fluorescent light.
  • In autumn and winter the plant rests, therefore enjoys a more relaxed atmosphere: (!) A temperature no higher than 15 degrees, and only moderate watering as needed.
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  • This plant loves the new home - as they grow. And if you want to bloom, repot the tree only needs a certain time. I do this in early spring - during the growing season (activity) Jade. At the bottom of the pot (the size of the crown), it is necessary to lay drainage and for the transplant to maintain earthen room around the root, so as not to injure the roots. In the soil would be good to add a bit of humus and sand. The process is repeated every three years.
  • For the full development and flowering Crassula needed three required "delicacy": potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Fertilizers containing first and second components I buy in the store (link required to give you at the end of article), and calcium "cook" itself: dried and ground raw shells from eggs and blend the resulting powder soil.
  • Crassula - very ambitious plant. Once a week, I will wipe a wet gauze each leaf of the tree.

Another important secret

Any experienced grower will confirm that the flowers - living organisms that actively respond to everything that happens around.

That is why, if you want to see in his tender tree buds, incredibly beautiful "cap" covering every branch, not standing next to him to raise his voice, quarrel, in a word, to spoil atmosphere.... better talk to him. I do this while rubbing leaves, watering, and every morning, opening the curtains, "Good morning! How did you sleep?"

Subject to all of our tips in the fall you will see that miracles happen, and if not the fern, the money tree exactly bloom! By the way, it not only attracts wealth, but during flowering grants wishes. In this I am also convinced of their own experience. Be sure to try it!

BY THE WAY!I almost forgot ... And fertilizer for your indoor plants, and high-quality seeds for seedlings I always buy Here, And you can come in handy.

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