How to get rid of the humidity in the cellar: 2 effective ways to dry wet cellar with ventilation and without (!)

  • Dec 24, 2019

Damp, wet board or even mold on the walls - often accompanies almost any suburban cellar. Once suffered from this problem, and I do. However, over the years, and not very successful fight against mold, I found two whole quite effective method, with which he will introduce you to this article.

Preparation for drying

First of all I advise you to remove from the premises all the excess, not sparing rotten through and through wooden shelves and preserves Paleolithic times. Freed of clutter cellar should be thoroughly sweep and deflate in the event of the water itself.

Photo Nikolai Kulakov
Photo Nikolai Kulakov

All are capable of long service structure I usually wipe with a damp cloth soaked in hot soapy water with the addition of ordinary baking soda (for men: it is red, white and orange tutu in the kitchen cupboard, which never actually content is not ends).

Do not be amiss to treat wooden floors with a solution of copper sulfate: it will help get rid of the fungus. Well, now for the very drying.

Method №1: heating

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It should immediately make a reservation: this method is only suitable for ventilated cellars. Its essence is simple as an orange: the room on a steel cable is lowered metal brazier with burning coals which is a few hours heats the air in the cellar, thus expelling it through the ventilation system street.

Brazier is easy to build from an old metal bucket, making a few small holes in its bottom and walls. You can use a chisel and hammer or, where brutality - acute piece of rebar and stone.

Attention! Roaster should hang above the floor or standing on a support trellis. From time to time I recommend to check the status of the cellar, but in no case not to go down into the - the carbon monoxide concentration in the room to warm up can be dangerous not only for the fungus, but also for humans.

Method №2: everything for dryness

With this method, he introduced me to a neighbor, who in the cellar completely absent ventilation system.

As it turned out, with a humidity of the cellar coping well different hydrophilic materials: slaked lime pieces which are expanded along the walls and on the shelves, calcium chloride or even dry sawdust, retractors water if sponge.

Another good solution is the so-called silica (the same packets of colorless beads in a shoe boxes), so if you manage to get somewhere in a bag or two of this wonderful ingredient - you can safely start it in turn.

Well, with the condensate on the ceiling, on the assertions of a neighbor, an excellent job conventional cartons. However, now he has got home dehumidifier, and the problem with the condensate it almost did not bother.

And of course, a good idea to arrange for the ventilation is not ventilated cellar. For the first time, it may even be a simple plumbing pipes, derived through a wall or ceiling of the room.

Interesting on the topic:

10 Simple Ways to get rid of mold in the cellar, and what it is dangerous for a person (do not run and do not risk your health!)

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