Apples rot on apple - what is the reason and what should I do?

  • Dec 24, 2019

Many gardeners are faced with such a problem, when the apples rot on the apple tree, no time to ripen. This is facilitated by the invasion of insects, lack of nutrients in the soil, or the development of dangerous fungal infections. To avoid yield losses and save the tree from destruction, it is necessary to take drastic measures.

Many gardeners are faced with such a problem, when the apples rot on apple. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Many gardeners are faced with such a problem, when the apples rot on apple. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Moniliosis - apples become dark and rot on the tree

If the fruit rot on the tree, crumbling or covered with brown spots, maybe culture was struck moniliosis. Fungal rot causes rotting of apples and spreads rapidly through the tree.

Easy to diagnose the disease. On fruits are formed brown spots that appear at the same point of the fruit, and then crawl in all directions. When viewed from an affected fetus can determine the presence of gray dots - is fungal spores. They are carried by wind, birds or insects. If you do not proceed with the treatment of apple trees, most of the crop is infected and rot. While some apples fall to the ground, while others will remain hanging on the tree, covered with rot.

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Moniliosis exposed weak and damaged fruit. And if the street is warm and humid, the disease spreads faster. Get rid of the mold in such circumstances is difficult.

Gardeners say that in one season moniliosis can destroy up to 70-80% of the future harvest. Maturation fungal pores occurs rapidly and intensely. When this problem occurs not only in the apple trees, but also other horticultural crops, including pears, quince, plums and cherries. However, the symptoms of the disease on these plants are a little different.

Black dots on apples

In the formation of black spots on apple fruits can talk about such issues:

  • Iron deficiency. Lacking the important matter, apple undergo chlorosis. leaves become pale and yellow in the first place. Even on the surface appear black dots.
  • Scab. It considered a common disease of apple trees, which resembles the symptoms moniliosis. Among the main symptoms of the disease - the black spots with distinct edges. Initially scab affects the leaves, and then the fruit. The fungus develops rapidly in a moist and warm environment.
  • Muhosed. It refers to the fungal diseases that occur when excessive gelled crown. Often, the problem affects old apple orchards, which are not subject to pruning and cleaning of damaged branches.
Routine pruning apple trees. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Routine pruning apple trees. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

To prevent the development of chlorosis need time to make the soil feeding on the basis of iron. 1 tree need for 300 g of iron sulfate, which is diluted in 10 liters of water and is introduced into the soil in the fall. In step vegetation carried preventive spraying with a solution of 50 g of sulphate and 10 liters of water.

To protect the culture of the scab, it is necessary to remove fallen leaves and apples. After Chart defoliation was treated with 7% urea solution from the rate of 700 g per 10 liters of water. Still allowed to use ammonium nitrate solution (1 kg per bucket of water).

We need to fight the disease in the early spring, during bud swelling. Garden trees treated Bordeaux liquid. The solution was created from 300 g agent diluted in a bucket fluid.

For the prevention of apple muhoseda regularly pruned. Still need to adhere to a moderate application of nitrogen application and avoid excess moisture in the soil.

Routine pruning involves removing the following escapes:

  • Dry.
  • Sick.
  • Wrong growing.

If the branches begin to go into the crown, or intertwined with each other, it is better to cut. Otherwise, the crown becomes thick and shoots will be deformed.

What to do with rotten fruit

If the site appears rotten fruit, they must be immediately removed from the garden. Fungal spores often remain under the apples, and then transferred to the healthy trees that are within a few meters. Their proliferation contributes to the wind, birds and insects. Therefore, experienced growers take out the decayed fruit and bury them in the ground or burned at the stake. Timely and correct action to help save the crop from injury moniliosis, scab or other dangerous diseases.

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