How to get rid of gnats in the house quickly and surely: Where are the gnats in the kitchen and how to spoil their lives

  • Dec 24, 2019

How to get rid of small black flies in the apartment? And where did they come from? These questions are of concern absolutely everyone who bred these uninvited "lodgers". Gnats in the house - a very unpleasant visit. They get in a jam and tea, stuck to fruit and pastries, a swarm of hovering in the bin and indoor plants. They love and clogged sinks.

With such routes it is not surprising that they can carry any infection. Today we will discuss all the existing effective ways and means to help you quickly and surely bring mosquitoes out of the house.

How to get rid of small black flies in the apartment, and where they come from

To get rid of this scourge, we must first find out from whence all the same appear these annoying intruders.

smallgnats in the kitchen

Most often, the inhabitants of our kitchens are fruit fly, the ones which can be found in the pages of textbooks devoted to genetics. It is they, biologists have studied the laws of inheritance. In some of these eyes are red, others are black, some thicker, some are thinner, they are different and the structure of the wings, but the hosts not to genetics. Regardless of the eye color, they take out the same way.

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Drosophila penetrate our cuisine often with fruit, which are these little boring lay eggs. Hatched from these worms are so small that a person who does not have perfect vision, they simply can not see.

Well, if you too can not wait to observe the life of the microfossils, just leave a slice of watermelon or peach day at two or three in a warm place. Success is almost guaranteed.

This is not a reason to abandon such a useful product, what are the fruits. No worries. In your stomach, these creatures do not appear, because the hydrochloric acid present in the gastric juice kills them safely and immediately.

Mote in indoor plants

There is another kind of small flies, which are found not only in the kitchen but also in all the rooms, where there are potted plants. This soil inhabitants - stsiaridy. The reason for their appearance is often the tea leaves, which many home fertilize green friends. These pesky create a plant in moist soil.

Means and methods of combat

If the attack has started up, you should immediately think, what to do and where to start. Let us, first things first:

How to display the fruit of gnats in the kitchen

First of all, we must find the source of their appearance, otherwise all efforts will be wasted. This can be:

  • Forgotten piece of apple.
  • Clogged sink.
  • Vegetables, beginning to rot.
  • Bucket, which traces fermented fruit pulp.
  • Left unwashed bottle of wine or beer.

They are not for nothing called not only fruit, but also wine lice, because they were the real scourge of winemakers and landlords of pubs.

If such a source is found, try to immediately get rid of it. Fermented fruits should immediately take out the trash, plumbing free from obstructions and throw bottles.

chemical methods

On the shelves of hardware stores, you can find a lot of resources that will help get rid of pesky insects. It dichlorvos, all sorts of "raptors", "raids" and many others.

cope withlice in the colors help tools such as Akhtar, Thunder-2 and others.

Folk remedies

And yet, to the help of heavy "chemical artillery" necessary to resort to the last turn, because there are a lot of harmless folk remedies. They not only izvedut annoying, but also fill the air with pleasant aromas. Flies can not stand the smell:

  • vanilla, mandarin, sage, geranium, tansy, cloves, camphor;
  • lavender, lemon, ylang-ylang, frankincense, pine, fir;
  • cedar, tea tree, pine and juniper.

Any of the essential oils of these plants can be bought at the pharmacy. A further matter of your imagination. You can charge the fragrant aroma lamp oils.

On a note! You can pick up and composition of several flavors to taste, then the effect of this folk remedy will be much more tangible and more reliable.
  • If there is no oil burner can drip oil on the battery if already included heating.
  • Can drip on the lamp cover or heated pan.
  • One can simply spray the surface of the walls of the spray, the water dripped few oil droplets.
  • Or simply spread out tangerine peel, a sprig of tarragon or tansy.
by the wayOn our channel, we already wrote about another very popular method, which allows you to very quickly get rid of gnats in the colors using ordinary matches.


  • You can also catch these cruise on the tape. And so it seemed that sweet tooth especially attractive enough to be lightly sprinkled with tape fruit juice, wine, beer, a solution of honey or tea with jam.
  • Another mechanical way of fighting - the construction of traps. To do this, you can take a plastic bottle, cut off her top, flip upside down and insert. Not to leave gaps for evacuation, it is useful to wrap the cut tape. Inside the trap before assembly pour wine, juice, beer or put a piece of fruit.

In those days, when there was not invented plastic container, usually used glass bottles. And the bank can take for this purpose.

On the bottom of the banks put any piece of fruit or pour 30-50 ml of juice, compote or wine. Then roll each sheet of paper cone inserted into the can narrow end down and put it in an entertainment place chosen by midges.

Important! Just do not forget the time to make a trap out of the house when there is already gather a sufficient number of uninvited guests. Otherwise, you do not trap but a real five-star hotel for fruit flies with a full package "ol inclusive", and then an elite hospital.

Now you know, where are the midges in the apartment and how to get rid of them.

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