The second life of the tavern. My zucchini fruit in full until late autumn (turn each)

  • Dec 24, 2019
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I love zucchini. I'm just a fan of them. Eat them stewed, roasted, in the form of eggs, but just yesterday my wife has made a wonderful lasagna with the addition of zucchini (no kidding!).

At its six acres, however, I can not spare this wonderful berry (yes, zucchini and squash are berries) large space for growth, especially since zucchini can be quite aggressive in terms of "capture" foreign territory.

Too large a crop at a time and do not need me, so I found a few working ways to extend the fruiting of squash until late October. What the rules should adhere to this?

Use different varieties ripening at term

"Roller" - "Black handsome" - "the F1 Tivoli" - one of the many "bundles" varieties of zucchini, which will bear fruit throughout the season. At that time, as the first fruits of the "movie" can be collected within 40 days after the landing, "Tivoli" keep up with only four months later.

In this "roller" does not cease to bear fruit for a long time, introducing diversity into my "squash" range.

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Do not forget about leaving

Timely watering and plenty of sun - not only required for a good harvest conditions. In the first or second week of August (figures are valid for central Russia) I will delete a few old and new leaves from each plant.

Old leaves, which are in contact with the soil, only hinder the already tired of fruiting plants, and remove the new to ensure your favorite berries more sun and air.

After such a "rejuvenation" of the beds, plants should be required to "stimulate" further fruiting urea solution (using 20 g in 10 liters water), and even a week - fertilize solution (1 to 15), bird litter. On the bush takes about one liter of mixture. Fertilizer am submitting again or twice, each time after waiting for a week.

Stay pcholkoy

When the first cold spell, the number of pollinators decreases dramatically, however, in an old journal, I spied even "clumsy", but rather a working method of pollination by hand. The role of the "bee" in this case, ever to play myself.

To pollinate zucchini hand, it is necessary to disrupt a male flower (most varieties they grow on thin, long stalks), to break its petals and stamens, being careful not to damage the delicate female flowers, touch their pistils (no more three).

Bees pollinate the flowers more often in the morning, so I went on a bed early in the morning. Empirically it found that the buzzing or no artificial pollination does not affect the amount of the crop.

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