Have your raspberry leaves turned yellow? Do not panic! How to cure chlorosis raspberries: cheap effective way. Price question - "overweening"

  • Dec 24, 2019
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It is impossible to imagine a garden without a raspberry! Fragrant berry jam is good in saving the long winter evenings cold. In the summer its leaves added to the tea, give the drink a pleasant coolness. But what if the leaves turned yellow? And why leaves turn yellow in raspberry?

That the "beast" is - chlorosis

disease name comes from the main symptom - yellowing due to the reduction of the coloring pigment, chlorophyll. There are two main reasons:

  1. Lack of iron, boron, manganese and other nutrients in the soil.
  2. The virus, which is transmitted through inoculation, thrips and aphids.
There is evidence that chlorosis can be inherited.

How do we determine chlorosis raspberries? chlorosis picture is very characteristic!

  • Yellow leaves in midsummer. The plate becomes coated mesh strip of golden color.
  • Delayed growth and development, sprouts lose power.
  • Berries produced by small and unappetizing in appearance, poor plant can not grow conventional crops.
  • With the defeat dangerous virus leaves covered with yellow spots and curl.
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IMPORTANT! easier to prevent a disease!

At this stage, save the plant from non-viral (!) Chlorosis can be, but the previous form to such leaflets will not return. Along the edges are already evident necrosis.
At this stage, save the plant from non-viral (!) Chlorosis can be, but the previous form to such leaflets will not return. Along the edges are already evident necrosis.

How to cure chlorosis raspberries

To restore the photosynthesis necessary to fertilize shrubs iron in a form that is easily digested. It is best to use iron chelates, also gives excellent results the use of complexes of trace elements. If the virus is not running, the natural color of the leaves come back just for a day!

Not all gardeners like to use chemicals from the store, so I want to share the popular, proven way to prepare chelate iron at home. At the exit we would get 2 liters of fluid:

But these leaves have come to life and returned to its former appearance.
But these leaves have come to life and returned to its former appearance.
  • 5 grams of citric acid from a bag;
  • 8 grams of ferrous sulfate;
  • 2 liters of hot water fairly, at least 50 or 60 degrees, or vitriol dissolves.

First of all it is necessary to dissolve the acid and then enter the vitriol. At this stage, we can drop the precipitate, but should not be afraid, this is a normal chemical reaction. The solution was kept to fall and used as needed. But to avoid such trouble in the future, Viral (!) chlorosisIn your raspberry patch read carefully the following recommendations.


Both types of chlorosis are very similar to each other! But in viral lesions experienced gardeners recommend to burn the affected shoots, it is almost impossible to cure ...

  • Planting resistant varieties! For example, Firebird or polka.
  • Avoid excessive soil moisture.
  • Mulch the soil around the planting.
  • Time to remove the weeds, they attract carriers chlorosis and other diseases at the same time - aphids.
  • Feed ash and iron chelate. Some gardeners are advised to scatter around raspberry iron nails, but the method does not help everyone, plus subsequently difficult weeding.

IMPORTANT! Excess nitrogen can also lead to chlorosis, so try not to get involved with manure!

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