How do I get a bountiful harvest of tomatoes. Everything is very simple. The harvest will be a lot!

  • Dec 24, 2019

I think there is no such person who would not like tomatoes. Fleshy, sugary. Tasty, what is there to say, especially when treated. But to grow their very not easy. But I want to. Tomatoes are universal. They can be used in a salad, prepare sauces and juice, canned.

My mistakes, etc. tomato cultivation

The first time I did not know how to grow the crop. Planted seedlings too much. Leave a small distance between the bushes when planting in soil. Seedlings planted deep, from which do not form additional roots. All too often I watered. All of these flaws was avoided when stuffed a lot of bumps and draw their own conclusions.

Planted in the dirt - to grow Prince

I realized that it was not in seedling height and in the thickness of the stem. Plump seedlings take root in the soil better. Their experience in the cultivation of a strong, healthy and stocky seedlings I have shared with you here.

Before planted bushes, I prepared well, pour almost a bucket of warm water. In this mush I add a handful of ashes and put to a bush with a clod of earth. Sprinkle well land and leave it for a week alone. As well, once I stick a peg, so you do not disturb the roots. Planting seedlings at forty, and that my family enough.

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Hive stepchildren do not need

With the growth in the tomato sucker. Basically, this is the same time as the formation of the first flower brush, although there are exceptions. This is the side shoots of the plant. If they are not removed, they will interfere with the growth of the bush, to thicken space and prevent the penetration of light. When forming Indeterminate tomatoes I leave only one stepson, formed below the first flower brush. All other I mercilessly removed and the lead bush in two trunks.

Here specially grown stepchildren to visualize photo :)
Here specially grown stepchildren to visualize photo :)

All other suckers take on a lot of nutrients from the main stem. I delete them in the sunny weather in the morning, to the sections had to dry in the sun. Delete or shoots growing from the ground.

Choosing neighbors in a bed

• Tomatoes and cucumbers in a greenhouse, do not get along because they need different conditions. But in the outdoors safely put them side by side on a sunny spot. They are comfortable when the wind blown by their stems.

Peaceful neighborhood cucumbers with tomatoes
Peaceful neighborhood cucumbers with tomatoes

• Do not plant tomatoes next to the powerful plants (squash, pumpkin). They do not conflict with each other, but their foliage can create a spreading shade and air congestion.

• The worst neighbor for tomatoes - potatoes. They can develop the same disease - late blight.

Ideal conditions for growing tomatoes

Tomatoes can not tolerate rapid temperature changes. Optimal for their growth and development is 22 - 26 degrees. Until you establish a stable warm weather, at night near the bushes, I put the stones that are heated for a day in the sun (stones to better "absorbed" the heat, I painted them with black paint). At night, the rocks give off heat, and tomatoes are easier to survive the night coolness.

My tomatiki on June 8, 2019
My tomatiki on June 8, 2019

Temperatures above 35 degrees is also detrimental to pollen. Previously, in the summer heat the tomatoes in the open field I saved a nonwoven material, spanned by the arc. The edges of the beds are left open. This creates a draft. The PDE, we decided to use shading net (45%). While pleased with the result and I, and my Rastishka.

Very hot early summer this year (South). Without shading can not do.
Very hot early summer this year (South). Without shading can not do.

I water the tomatoes, without touching the leaves. Profusely, but rarely - once every 10 days. In very hot weather watering more often - every 3-4 days.

Ripe fruits have to compile, then others are tightened. That they have survived longer, I collect them in dry weather and without the stalk. If coming rains or cool, then gather even green fruits. They ripen on the veranda. But they are still very little, mostly all ripen in the beds. His secret what to do to tomatoes is well tied and matured quickly, I shared with you here.

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