Elegant indoor plant with showy flowers, which completely clean your home from negative energy

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Plant called Ehmeya initially in the wild grows exclusively in South and Central America. The name of your flower obliged word of Greek origin "aechme", which can be translated as "spear." Such a romantic name for the flower was unusual view of the bracts.

Features ehmei

Along the edges of each leaf grows Ehmeya small spines. Leaves themselves can be either self-colored motley, and density of the leatherback and soft to the touch, to dense and hard. Fruits Ehmeya small berries.

Widespread this plant is in the collections of growers around the world provides its relative simplicity of maintenance. Despite the fact that the flowers bloom one outlet only once Ehmeyu continue to grow, many growers-fans.

Plant likes bright, but at the same time the focused light, and in the summer time the optimal temperature conditions for it will be from 22 to 26 degrees Celsius, and in winter - from 15 to 18 degrees.

Watering flower in the warmer months better profusely. I am using warm water, above room temperature, and water the right in the center of the funnel formed by the leaves. Of course, in the winter, and when the bush is not in bloom and not gaining color, water Ehmeyu needed less often, waiting for a layer of soil dries out a little deeper.

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Should be monitored closely and humidity in the room. I try to regularly spray the leaves with an atomizer, and a pallet always keep a wet expanded clay.

In order to create favorable conditions for the flowers development and growth, it is necessary every two weeks it is necessary to feed the complex mineral fertilizers. In the fall of "feed" fertilizer soil begins rarely - about once a month, and in winter, and even less - once a month and a half.

How to make Ehmeyu bloom

In order to please you Ehmeya flowering, I recommend to use the old and proven way: together with a pot you need to put a flower in a regular plastic bag, and then to the same place a few ripe apples. The package then you must tie (but not too tight!), And leave the flower alone for a half or two weeks. Then you can pull the flower out of the bag and in a month to wait for flowering.

In order to cause the least possible stress to the plant, replant Ehmeyu recommended in the autumn, when the bush ottsvetot. It should be cut with all sockets that have already faded.

When transplanting the flower should be careful, because Ehmeya is a poisonous plant, and poison it, hitting the skin, may cause irritation to her. To protect hands from irritation when I transplant Ehmei always try to use rubber gloves.

Interesting! Folk omens say that ehmeya cleans and removes the house from negative energy. It helps people to become more purposeful, active and energetic. Therefore keep ehmeyu in the bedroom is not recommended, not to earn insomnia. Do not forget to share a note with his friends in their social networks. I will be inordinately grateful for your Like (thumb up) and a free subscription tomy channel. It is the best reward for the author! :)