How easy to rid your garden of aphids, spider mites, onion and carrot flies. Personal experience

  • Dec 24, 2019

For a long time in their own six acres I had seen all: and "fence" controversy with pesky neighbors, and the problem of water for irrigation, and pest outbreaks of all kinds and colors. Recent brought harm to no less than the lack of water and the fight against them is almost always trial and error, and the same wise counsel neighbor Aunt Emma.

Today I can safely say that I know how to approach virtually every vegetable garden pests and what to do to this pest bypassed my site "tenth road."

How to prepare?

Every doctor knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. The same can be said of the pest - if properly prepare the soil, and planting is optimally distributed, weeds and harmful insects in the area may simply not appear. Today on my site in the spring and fall season there is always a place for green manure, and all the beds zamulchirovat well. This helps the soil to recuperate every season, and always has a positive effect on the yield in the future.

Next to the beds trying to plant flowers and fragrant spices, deters many unpleasant "neighbors" like a cabbage-butterflies. Of course, all these measures can not reduce the number of pests in the area to zero, however, significantly reduce their "population" can easily.

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Tips for pest control

Onion and carrot fly

One of the first "vrazhin" that I encountered on their own garden, were carrot and onion flies. In the first season after the purchase of land, waving his hand at them, I soon discovered that my obvyala carrots and dried up (despite regular watering) and onions, on the contrary - rot. From a friend of mine, I learned that the flies ruined and its crop, and the only salvation was her shelter beds. The following season, disregard this advice, I did not, and dropped the two cultures in neighboring beds that they "helped" to each other.

spider mite

Spider mite, invisible to the eye but helluva lot of harmful companion took a fancy to my cucumbers, not allowing them to grow properly. After experimenting with a few "popular" means of it, I decided that it's better to give preference to proven tools like phytoverm or bitoksibatsillin.

From aphids could not handle for a long time. Perhaps this would not have succeeded if not for the help aforementioned neighbor, who advised on a weekly basis in the spring, at a time when the bushes were the first leaves, sprinkle them biokokteylem.

Recipe. In liter plastic bottle with water, add 1 ml and 2 ml Dachnik fitoverm. All stir and spray the plants. The same solution can be treated with strawberries and raspberries from the weevil.

This strengthened the currant bushes that are on my site chosen by aphids, and the number of its seriously decreased. It also helped to get rid of all the anthills that were on my site.

As for the crucifer flea beetles, which is particularly loved by my radishes, then from its "attacks" beds It turned protect only shelter the nonwoven fabric is pressed against the edges massive (against the wind) stones.

The first time after the purchase of the site also bothered me and wireworms, but over time, when the soil fertility of the site was restored, the enemy left him alone. As I learned later, wireworms found only in the exhausted soil.