Why did Henry Ford disposed to paint the corners with white paint at its plants

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Henry Ford.
Henry Ford.

The famous pioneer of the automotive market, Henry Ford a century ago demanded that his workers do a lot of strange things. For example, the famous businessman regularly disposed to the corners of the shops on his factories were mostly painted with white paint. Industrial king himself said that: and from the conveyor car go better. We will understand what is what.

Ford was eccentric genius. | Photo: avtomaniya.com.
Ford was eccentric genius. | Photo: avtomaniya.com.

Let's go far away. The fact that there is a sort of the concept called "corporate culture." If she is in the company at a low level in the near future, expect trouble. After all, the level of production culture determines how quality will be carried out all the work and how high is the probability of marriage goods. Proper authorities at the factory (and not only) by all means, will fight for the improvement of the quality work and try to raise as much as possible above the level of workers' cultural level of their responsibility to their labor.

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All the matter in the discipline. | Photo: myhistori.ru.
All the matter in the discipline. | Photo: myhistori.ru.

A striking example of the struggle for workplace culture is the story, not afraid of this word, the legendary designer of artillery weapons Grabin Basil Gavrilovic. He vividly complained in his memoirs that the fight for a high level of production culture was very difficult in 1930. However, to do this it was necessary to reduce the number of defective products, increase production and raise the overall level of build quality.

Grabin attempted to take various measures in the fight for quality, but they were given or insufficient, or temporary effect. As a result, engineers had to literally bring the factories of army discipline! And it helped.

Interesting fact: Grabin also once made to the most important production was moved to a room with good ventilation and natural lighting. Such seemingly small things immediately had a positive effect.
The workers were not really responsible. | Photo: thedrive.com.
The workers were not really responsible. | Photo: thedrive.com.

It is because of the struggle for workplace culture in the Soviet Union the responsibility of the workers were also part of the problem for the care and landscaping next to her now. For example, putting in order lawns and sidewalks. Even a waste basket in the workplace were always cleaned in a timely manner.

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corners painting was not the only measure. | Photo: motorglobe.org.
corners painting was not the only measure. | Photo: motorglobe.org.

Why this story has been given? And besides, the situation at Ford plants at the dawn of the automotive era The situation in the same way. Initially, there reigned a terrible sloppiness, and the word "discipline" was all dirty. Moreover, the workers had a bad habit to throw garbage and trash in the corners of the shop. All this prevented the work, so Henry Ford began to restore order, forcing the workers to look after themselves, and for the plant. The angles began to paint light paint, that has always been clearly seen, that they are empty.

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Education came to fruition. |Foto: na-zapade.ru.
Education came to fruition. |Foto: na-zapade.ru.

I would like to learn even more interesting from the world of the automotive industry? Then read about it, what was the "Japanese Henry Ford": the history of Soichiro Honda - the legendary inventor and founder of Honda, Brand of cars that are in high demand to this day all over the world.
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