The better to feed your potted plants for fast vigorous growth and abundant flowering

  • Dec 24, 2019
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We all want to be healthy home flower garden, magnificently blossomed and turned green. But, if outdoor plants can get the necessary nutrients from the land, the soil in the pots loses its useful properties rather quickly. The flowers begin to wilt, wither match. To prevent this, it is necessary from time to time to feed the plants.

What fertilizer for indoor plants to choose

Currently, there are a wide variety of drugs, but many prefer to use folk remedies. I would like to warn against this step novice gardeners and dispel myths about the benefits of home-grown resources:

  • Myth - welding reduces the acidity of the soil and loosens the ground. Reality - pot will be just an elite kindergarten for the development of groundwater midges. But the beneficial properties of tea is not yet proven.
  • Myth - eggshell is rich in calcium, essential for plant growth. Reality - if we are lucky, such a dressing will help in the process of breaking up the ground, in most cases, the plant becomes ill from the abundance of lime.
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  • Myth - dairy and meat water gives the plant all the necessary material. Reality - strange odor from the pot (he still flower, not a night). Again, the beneficial properties of this therapy has not been verified.
  • Myth - Vegetable oil will give a shine leaves. Reality - the first time the leaves will really shine, but later turn yellow due to clogged pores.

So it is better not to experiment with the grandmother's recipes and acquire in-store normal fertilizer for our green friends.

types of fertilizers

All dressing are divided into three types - organic, mineral and mineral organic complexes.

- organic fertilizers. This is mainly peat composts and plant, as well as a special fertilizer to be added to the ground when the plant transplantation. When using such complexes can not be afraid excess nutrients, but had little potassium.

- fertilizer - are the different types of salts, water-soluble and instantly assimilated by the plant roots. However, you must follow the instructions carefully, to avoid overdose. In addition, there is a possibility that the salt will harm the microorganisms living in the soil.

- mineral and organic fertilizers absorbed the best of both types of feeding. They are fast acting and safe for green friends.

How to use fertilizer for indoor plants

To date, developed their own fertilizer for each plant group. For example, for flowering increasingly required phosphorus, for hardwood - nitrogen, cacti prefer nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, it is not necessary to pour the same fertilizer in all the pots at once, it is better to buy a small bottle for each species and make it clear on the instructions. You should not stick to the principle "the more, the better." This can destroy the roots of plants, leading to his death.

The frequency of application

It depends on various factors - the time of year (winter, it takes less), age (very young and well pozhivshim Tsvetik fertilizer required is less than the average age of the plants), degree neglect.


  • Pick fertilizer depending on the type of your pet.
  • Make fertilizer only in the wet ground.
  • In the autumn lower the dose and gradually increase the spring.
  • It is better to make fertilizer bowl, but a lower concentration than the rare, but in large quantities.
  • You can not feed the diseased plants.

Hopefully these simple guidelines will help make the indoor flower garden healthy and he will delight all households for a long time.