7 important steps on the way to a big harvest, which needs to be done in early spring every caring gardener

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Prepare the infield to an active season, it is important to timely and duly. We offer you to remind ourselves what we should do after the first thaw and complete melting of snow.


Spring - a time of spring cleaning in the garden.

  • Cleaning twigs, dry grass, dead perennials, the leaves - the most paramount works. All this rubbish is important to burn to prevent the spread of potential pests.
  • Washing greenhouses greenhouses and frames, web cleaning and other litter.
  • Inventory Preparation: test the operation and refueling mowers, lanterns; Grease saws, rakes, choppers and spades. Embattled buckets, automatic irrigation system and watering cans.

The main spring work in the garden and the garden


For spray roses, ornamental shrubs and trees some important mulching. It requires the same garden blooming and leafy perennials. On the cleaned soil for plants add fresh, high quality ground and then Zamulchiruyte layer material.

Choose mulch, depending on the plants, keep in mind the acidity of the soil, which is necessary! Layer was 5-7 cm. Mulch improves the quality of the soil, useful substances flavor, moisture adheres.

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Caring for trees and shrubs

In early spring, before the sap flow, producing sanitary pruning of garden trees. Also, if you forget to do this fall, now is the time to undertake the necessary work on the formation of the crown, stunting up and stripping on the trunks and branches of all kinds of wounds.

Saw cut and the wound treated with a solution of copper sulphate and garden pitch. It is also important to cut off all the vines, dried ivy and creepers. Clear arch, if they are on the site.

The beginning of spring - the time to whitewash the trunks of trees for the first time. Later, in stable warm May, the procedure can be repeated.

Caring for onion

All varieties of tulips, daffodils, crocuses, snowdrops and others require the attention of the gardener with the onset of the thaw.

Since the fall of the leaves is important to plants wither in itself, remove them only after 100% of wilting. Mark locus bulbs special garden fences, other notes.

In the spring release wintering bulbs of debris, open when covered his material.

garden perennials

Most perennials recommended faded to leave for the winter, and only with the onset of heat is removed, giving rise to new shoots. Remove the withered leaves and stems, cut off the ears dry, free socket for future stems and trunks from the soil surface. Zamulchiruyte soil around the sockets, Feed the plants if necessary.

Pots and baskets

It is time to plan what hanging planters and flowerpots ground you will use for the flower beds. Clean them from the old land, treat with 2% solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection when necessary. Dry, think vases location on the site.


This requires careful planning. Think in advance where any culture subsequently lodged. Be aware of neighborhood change and cultural places of the garden beds. Correct wooden fence ridges butterbur them from the outside if necessary. Backfill soil arch manure or compost.

Active operation of each holder infield begins with the arrival of the first thaw. The main thing - correctly allocate the time and care to look after their child. Then, in the garden is always a place ideal for relaxation and privacy!