How to organize a beautiful flower garden of spice plants for your culinary masterpieces. Spicy bed in your garden (Part 2)

  • Dec 24, 2019

In a previous article we talked about the principles of arrangement of beds of spice plants. After all, spicy culture, except that tasty, fragrant, useful, and are always welcome on the tables of lovers of fine cuisine, and can still delight the eye with their beauty, the abundance of colors and forms.

Today we tell about the three kinds of members of this fragrant world, which adequately combine all of the above qualities!

What herbs should choose

Herbs myriad. We will talk about is not the most common inhabitants of the garden, which you should pay attention and find a place for them in their beds.


Common perennial evergreen shrub type. It has an incredibly strong aroma of sweet, camphor flavor. Something similar to the smell of pine needles. The taste is a bit pungent herbs, tart, with pronounced notes of pine.

The leaves, flowers and stems of annuals rosemary is used not only in cooking a wide spectrum, but also in the recipes of traditional medicine. Very popular essential oil of this plant, it has a soothing and restorative effect on the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on human immunity.

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Annual herb, is popularly referred to as borage or borage. Can grow up to 80-100 cm in height. The leaves, stems and flowers of the plant are covered with small, but quite tough fibers.

Stems and flowers are used in cooking. Its taste and aroma are very reminiscent of cucumber, which explains the popular name of the plant. Shred parts of the plant are added to salads, sauces, side dishes and meat. Dried flowers of borage are used in the manufacture of certain liqueurs and fillings for chocolates.


Perennial herb with a strong spicy, pronounced flavor. Resistant to frost serious and prolonged drought. It has oblong leaves and large flowers of deep blue. Just these parts and can be used in cooking, have a pronounced bitter taste and aftertaste spicy.

In the recipes of traditional medicine decoctions on hyssop leaves have been used to improve digestion and stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

We have listed three interesting fragrant aromatic representative herbalist. Each of them is worthy of the attention of the gardener.

RememberThat fragrant herbs require copious irrigation and greedy for sunlight! In future articles, we'll show you who else can be addicted to spicy rosemary, hyssop and bitter cucumber borage.