How to use seabuckthorn can cure many diseases, and why it is considered to be a fount of your health and longevity

  • Dec 24, 2019

It has long been noted - if the fall season to worry about harvesting the fruit and leaves of this amazing plant, like buckthorn, the health and vigor to man enough for the whole year.

Chinese doctors treated dozens of sea buckthorn plant diseases and called the "tree of health and longevity" and Tibetan healers recognized and successfully used the healing properties of sea buckthorn from roots to seeds. Its recommended for the treatment of rheumatism, gout, diseases of the eye, and many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A treasure trove of vitamins - buckthorn

It is known that small and inconspicuous sea buckthorn fruit trees have a special and quite unique a set of mutually complementary biologically active ingredients, minerals, vitamins and valuable fatty acids.

Another unique feature of sea buckthorn berries - the highest concentration of useful components in comparison with the berries and other fruits, in particular 100 g of berries coated with more than the standard rate in human vitamins and micronutrients.

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The sea buckthorn are vitamins A, C, E, almost all group B, as well as sodium, manganese, magnesium and iron. At the same calories in fruit tree very little - about 52 to 100 g of the product.

This is useful to eat sea-buckthorn berries

Orange berries of sea buckthorn are useful for athletes and people who want to lose weight, and recovering impaired, as well as children, expectant mothers and the elderly to lift immunity.

These categories can be used energy drinks on the basis of sea buckthorn juice, eat fresh berries, mixed with honey or jam to cook. And the sea-buckthorn jam almost fully retains a vitamin C and is considered to be not less useful than fresh berries.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil is an effective analgesic, antiinflammatory and healing agent. Oil is used for burns and for wound healing without pus, during the treatment of psoriasis and some types of neurodermatitis.

The invaluable help of sea buckthorn oil has in the treatment of angina, inflammatory lesions of the gums and periodontal disease. But we should remember that the treatment of sea buckthorn oil must be carried out only under the supervision of the attending physician.

How to grow sea buckthorn in his garden

For planting should be selected varietal types of sea buckthorn, which provide abundant and high-quality crops. Such seedlings is better to buy in nurseries. Note that to obtain sufficient quantities of berries should be planted next to the male and female tree. Better to selected varieties have been adapted for growth in the region.

A place for planting sea buckthorn must choose solar. In the prepared hole for planting it is recommended to add a bit of rotted manure, ash trees and superphosphate. Pit should also be well moistened.

After planting, the ground around the seedling mulch sawdust or peat. Subsequent to the sea-buckthorn tree care is reduced to regular watering, shallow soil loosening and feeding in 3 stages: in the spring, during flowering and early September after the harvest.

Other important components of the care of sea buckthorn is considered to cropping the top, root seedlings, which is wild, and damaged or unnecessary branches.

Quality healthy care at favorable tree every year gives a good harvest, to be collected at the end of August or early September.