Settled on their beds of 3 early high-yielding varieties Delicious strawberry! And you will not regret!

  • Dec 24, 2019

In the variety of berries Queen garden is rightly considered the strawberries. Well what a cottager can do without this fragrant sweet "favorite of the gods."

Strawberry, strawberry, or often called Victoria - a perennial herb. It can grow in one place for a long time. But only the young plants aged 2-5 years can produce a decent crop.

Prerequisites for generous strawberry crops

  • Culture of light-requiring, demanding to the soil. Under pull the landing section with fertile, wetness, loose garden soil is well tucked organics.
  • In early spring it is necessary to feed nitrogen fertilizer for a friendly regrowth of the leaves, then two more feeding: one between budding herbal extract with addition of the complex fertilizer, the second closure after fruiting - phosphorus-potassium.
  • During flowering and fruiting requires regular watering and shallow surface soil loosening. Under a blanket of snow winters well.
  • In snowy and snowless winters require shelter nonwoven or spruce branches. To avoid contact with the ground berries used to be cut mulching with straw, pine litter.
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If you choose how varieties with different ripening times, then savor flavorful Victoria may be the end of May up to the frost. Get acquainted with three early varieties that will delight the harvest as early as the third decade of May.

strawberries Honey

Superranny cultivar, flowers are not afraid of frost. Berries are large, juicy, fragrant, taste fully justify its name.

Fruiting long, productivity is high, up to 1.5 kg per bush. A distinctive feature -high resistance to disease, a powerful life force frost.

Grade Wim Zant

Drought- and cold-resistant, early, is not particularly demanding on soil cultivar. High-yielding, up to 2 kg per bush fragrant, large (up to 40 g) of bright red berries. Form nepostoyanna- fruit and round and slightly flattened.

The taste is sweet, pronounced with caramel aftertaste. Bushes grow strongly resistant to diseases: vertitsillezu, fungus and root rot, powdery mildew.

strawberries Christina

Berries orange-red, cone-shaped, dense, fragrant, sweet. One of the best varieties for freezing and processing. When heat treatment retains its shape, does not collapse, does not give a precipitate zemlyanichki remain intact as tin marmalade.

Impeccable keeping quality, after removing the fruit perfectly transported and stored for several days, staying dry.