Uva Ursi or bearberry is a real natural doctor. Moreover, its medicinal properties are recognized not only by traditional healers, but also traditional medicine.
Medicinal raw materials are considered to be the leaves, fruits and flowers of the plant. Most often, cough and colds using it gently pink flowers bear ears and leaves, like little ears up taiga host. They are distinguished by the presence of an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
Infusions and decoctions bear tabs used in the treatment of many diseases, including the flu, bronchitis and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
A characteristic feature of the national drug - it operates smoothly and at the same time effectively. The widespread use of the bushes bear ears got in Tibetan medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis and sinusitis.
Bearberry widely used in the treatment of kidney diseases, and digestive problems. it also proved to be excellent in the treatment of inflammation of eye (conjunctivitis, blepharitis). Aware of its analgesic properties and the ability to remove toxins from the body. It is useful to make infusions and decoctions bearberry people suffering from diabetes or who have heart problems.
Parts of the plant are harvested and dried further to make them decoctions and infusions. The plant grows in the European part of Russia and in Siberia and the Altai lands. Therefore, the easiest way to buy a ready-made dry camp in the pharmacy network.
Uva Ursi (bearberry), cough and other cold symptoms
recipe №1
For tonic after cough and colds need 10 g of dried leaves of lugs and a glass of boiling water.
Dried leaves are placed in a small glass or enameled pan with lid and filled with boiling water. After 15 minutes the infusion is filtered and slightly pressed.
The resulting liquid is poured into a glass, which adds to the fullness of a little boiled water. Taken after a meal ½ cup 3-4 times a day.
recipe №2
An example of the collection, which helps to expectorate sputum by coughing. It is necessary to take 1 teaspoon of marshmallow, bear ears flowers, leaves mother and stepmother, fruit, anise, licorice root and violets.
All components are mixed and placed in a glass jar, which must be stored in a dark place.
To prepare the broth is taken 1 tablespoon collection spoon (without top) and filled with boiled water. The drug is infused about 10-12 minutes, then filtered. Take warm decoction should be ½ cup 2-3 times a day, adding honey to taste and lemon.
Before you start the treatment of cough and colds symptoms using bearberry, you should consult with your doctor. Otherwise, the effect of using bear the lugs may be reversed.