The healing power of a peony for your health. Planting and care and why it is so popular in Chinese centenarians

  • Dec 24, 2019

The most beautiful, lush and fragrant flowers, according to many - it peonies, smell and shape of which you can admire the infinite. These gorgeous buds with exquisite and intoxicating scent always cause a storm of emotions.

Origin of pions

Peony is considered the king of flowers. He comes from China, the first mention of the cultivation of this magnificent flower has in ancient China.

According to one legend, the name of the flower can be found in the ancient myth of the healer named Peon, who healed himself Aida. And he is not letting him die, immortalized in the flower, which has beauty and healing powers.

In ancient Greece, it was believed that the peony petals, worn on the body, scare away evil spirits, and have healing powers. And nowadays there are tincture of a peony roots that can soothe and normalize sleep. In Europe, the peony has appeared in the 18th century and soon became a favorite of gardens and gardeners.

benefits of pions

Peony possesses anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, soothing, choleretic, hemostatic, analgesic, antibacterial and tonic effect.

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In China, peony is widely used as an antitumor agent. In medicine Mongolian with its help treat liver and kidney disease.

Planting and Care

Peonies rather unpretentious flowers, cared for fairly simple. Planted peonies in the fall only into the soil containing compost, humus and wood ashes. Planting should be deep, otherwise they do not bloom, approximately so that the upper kidney was not deeper underground 3- 4 cm.

Wild peonies can grow in one place for 50 years, and in the gardens of their longevity is 15-20 years. Peonies like the sun, so that under the tall trees do not like to bloom, as well as do not like drafts and too close proximity.

Flowers are fed three times -Once the snow melts - ammonium nitrate, in the period of budding and flowering - complex fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.

To the flowers are not sick, watered leaves any fertilizer containing copper.

Very fond of peonies, hoeing and watering - an infrequent, but abundant. 3 buckets on the bush. Seated them usually once in 5 years. In winter peonies do not dig, as they well tolerate frost.

Secret storage of cut peonies

Peonies not so long standing in the water after cutting, but there are some tricks to prolong their life. Vase is better to take a dark color. So it is possible to hold the flowers in a cool place - even in the refrigerator for a while. Put a vase of flowers it is advisable not to direct sunlight, periodically spray the buds water. And in water, add some sugar, or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

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