What are the advantages and benefits of growing ampelnye strawberries on your site

  • Dec 24, 2019
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One of the all treats from childhood - a strawberry. Fragrant, delicious and very useful berry, which can be eaten in its natural form, and yet it is possible to make tea or cook jam. Shoplifting strawberries characterized by a watery taste, so better to grow it themselves.

ampelnye strawberries

Not all truckers have huge hacienda with vast fields for the implementation of bold imagination. Question practical use having a hectare of land can be solved by ample plants and vertical beds.

Surprisingly, it is now possible to even meet ampelnye strawberries! It stands out the original feature beautifully droop, forming thickets. Due to this, it is going to a great harvest at the lowest cost.

Advantages of the vertical beds and strawberry ampelnye

Many gardeners are advised to use a vertical growing beds, they have many advantages:

  • Captures very little space, thanks to this practical solution may be to get a big harvest on a small area.
  • Berries are in limbo, not rot and does not get dirty in the ground.
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  • Weeds are much less easy to carry out weeding.
  • Watering can do drop, thereby facilitating a job.
  • Simple harvest, enough to reach out and rip berry.
  • No need to bend down to take care of bushes.
  • Simply find and remove the pests.
  • And it looks very good: the whip with carved leaves and red berries.


For fairness, we note and cons that are worth paying attention to:

  • Feed up should be carried out more frequently;
  • The soil in the vertical beds freezes, so the winter should take a bed in a warm place;
  • The earth dries quickly, so water the vertical ridges should be more often than usual;
  • The soil can be insulated mulch (sawdust, shell of nuts, seeds from the peel).

Experienced gardeners recommend ampelnye such varieties of strawberries: Queen Elizabeth (remontant grade), Alba, Ostara, and many others.

where to plant

Curly mustache grow very lush and begin to descend.

  • Very bright will look strawberries in pots or large pots.
  • You can set next to a flower bed net or fence and these designs tie strawberry mustache.
  • Often used bed-pyramid.

Keep in mind that strawberries do not have to put too often with one another, leave her room for sprawl. With good care in the first year, you can get the original flavor for your garden. Beautiful, practical and tasteful.

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