The ABCs of Successful Gardener ~ Compost from "A" to "Z"

  • Dec 24, 2019

The work in the country has been simmering ever. In order to grow a good crop, we do not spare neither the time nor the strength nor the means. Many gardeners know that in order to get the most out of their works on the site you need to fertilize the soil. However, not all used to this natural fertilizer, and it is with their help, the soil is enriched with all nutrients.

Often gardeners spend a lot of money for the purchase of expensive synthetic fertilizers, and as a result, instead of good get hurt. Therefore, before purchasing chemical-drugs, let's get acquainted with the compost and its advantages.

What is compost

Compost - a natural, organic fertilizer, which is obtained from the residue of any crop, food residues, manure and the necessary bacteria. The process of decomposition balanced necessary amount of oxygen and moisture

Sweep advantages of compost:

  • First, the soil becomes by such fertilizer huge amount of useful items.
  • Secondly, it is one of the cheapest ways of fertilizer. First, you save on fertilizer and other second save money on garbage collection, which can fill the compost pit.
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  • Thirdly, it is important and what you do not pollute our environment. In commercial fertilizer contains large amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, plants often do not absorb all of these elements. By total abundance of these elements falls in the water and contaminate the water. In this plant, absorbing large amounts of nitrogen can cause serious illness in humans.

What is included in the compost

Divide the elements of compost into two groups:

  • Green weight (shoots of weeds, waste from vegetables, grass, greens plants).
  • Dry mass (wood, leaves, cardboard, paper).

Also, you can lay in the compost in small amounts manure or litter.

Recommendations for compost tab

  • Capacity for further composting can be adjusted to your preferences. You can dig a hole or use a ready-made container.
  • All components are placed in a compost pile layers, about 10-15 cm.
  • Each layer in this case is delimited by a small amount of land.
  • To enhance the decomposition process, each layer shed water. Humidity - a necessary component of good compost, adheres to standards of 45-70%.

Periodically stir the contents of the (once every two weeks will be enough).

If you follow all of the recommendations listed above, then the result will not take long after 6-9 months.

How to determine whether or not mature enough fertilizer

Determine whether the fertilizer can be matured on such grounds:

  • All components are turned into a uniform, homogeneous mass;
  • Consistency is loose and crumbly mass;
  • Ripe compost is dark, almost black;
  • The smell of the finished compost is similar to the smell of damp earth.

How to use compost

Compost used as customary fertilizer, placing it in the hole before planting plants or by mixing with soil, seeds scatter before planting.

To get a high-quality fertilizer then do not forget to comply with all the rules. The main thing is not in a hurry and you will succeed.

Thank you and see you soon! :)