My secrets cabbage storage. Experience exchange

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Cabbage - a storehouse of vitamins
Cabbage - a storehouse of vitamins

Dense kochanchiki juicy and crispy cabbage found on sale at the end of winter is already difficult. And in the spring - particularly unrealistic. All the fault of improper storage conditions. Who wants to buy a dull and loose head with leaves begun to rot? Especially because it does not have any vitamins left. Perspektivka not happy, is not it?

However, if done in the autumn of their stocks of cabbage, it will delight you with its freshness and juiciness until late spring! To do this, it is important to know a few little tricks.

MySecrets cabbage storage

1. selectvarieties

Cabbage is juicy until the spring
Cabbage is juicy until the spring

It is known that early-maturing varieties of cabbage is absolutely not suitable for storage. Mid-grade are stored on the strength of two months. But to keep the cabbage for 6-8 months, it is necessary to give preference to a maturation varieties. These include srednepozdnie and later.

I believe that such varieties as: Snow White, Moscow (late), Dobrovodskaya, Gift, Stone Head and Blizzard - especially good in storage.

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2. Conditionscultivation

Cabbage in the garden
Cabbage in the garden

You need to know about one very important thing. Cabbage that grew in the beds, over-saturated with nitrogen fertilizers, it is absolutely not suitable for storage! Big nitrogen content in the soil greatly reduces the amount of solids in the tissues of cabbage leaves. Therefore, it will soon rot and deteriorate.

3. timelycleaning

collection of cabbage
collection of cabbage

I'm starting to collect cabbage, when daytime temperatures ranging from +2 to + 8C. If you remove the cabbage before, cabbage quickly fade, if later - the crack. I do it only in dry weather, leaving a couple of upper body leaves. This will protect cabbages from minor mechanical damage and any disease.

4. Sortingkochanov

Kochan selected for storage
Kochan selected for storage

All cracked, damaged and immature cabbages ruthlessly sorted. To store them, we, of course, will not work. But we will find another use for them - safely send for pickling, for example. To send a wintering select only the dense, firm and mature cabbages.

5. meansstore

Keep the cabbage right
Keep the cabbage right

It is best to store cabbage in the cellar. But, unfortunately, not everyone has that opportunity. In this case, the cabbage can be stored on the balcony. It is important to ensure the optimum temperature for this - from -1 to + 1C.

I tried a variety of ways:

· INbox. Cabbages are placed in boxes so that they do not touch each other. The method is easy enough, but it requires a large space.

Cabbage in a box with sand
Cabbage in a box with sand

· On thesandpillow. The box is filled with 20 cm layer of dry sand. And stick to it cabbages (down cobs). For this storing process, when cleaning cabbage leave cobs 8-10 cm long.

Cabbage in a fur coat made of clay
Cabbage in a fur coat made of clay

· INclay "sheepskin". Of clay and water preparing batter in proportion 2: 1. This mash daubed each head. Then they are dried and stacked on shelves or in drawers.

Hanging storage method
Hanging storage method

· "Garland". Cobs strapped strong rope and hung from the ceiling cellar. This option helps cool when the space in the cellar are sorely lacking.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult to keep the cabbage fresh until spring! Using these simple tips, you will achieve excellent results.

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