Small and nimble Windows 10

  • Dec 24, 2019

In the process of developing Windows overgrown with new and new programs, services, "bells and whistles" widgets and turned into a huge monster with multiple functions that are needed not for everyone.
Did you know that there is a special lightweight version of Windows 10, which it is not present, the distribution of which takes less than 3 GB, and it works fast even on computers with 1 GB of memory.

These versions are available for corporate customers who do not need the extra features that are not satisfied with almost everyday obsessions updates that Windows is only needed as a way to run multiple programs used in their business.

In 2016, Microsoft released Windows 10 LTSB (Long Term Servicing Branch, «an offshoot of the long-term Service "), this year came Windows 10 LTSC (Long-Term Servicing Channel,« long-term channel Service ").

These versions do not have Edge Browser (IE), app store, game mode, OneDrive, pre-tile applications and widgets, as well as a variety of other components, Irritant many. The system downloads and installs only critical security updates and tries to do it as infrequently as possible. Even calculator used old classic.

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All menu lightweight system can be seen in the first screenshot. Yes, there are a total of six sections, and there is nothing superfluous.

A new system of Windows 10 LTSC many abused. Apparently, as often happens with Microsoft products, it "will bring up to standard" in a year or two, so today I put it on the notebook Windows 10 LTSB. All system files after installation took 16 GB. While fully loaded system with SSD - 20 seconds.

The system is activated the key Evaluation-license for 90 days.

The whole process of downloading the image, write it on a flash drive and install the system from a USB drive took less than half an hour.

About what LTSC different from LTSB and they are both from the usual Windows 10 can read in this article. There is also a link to download Windows 10 LTSC distribution from Microsoft. LTSB previous version is no longer there, but they are easy to find on the Internet. But detailed instructionsHow to record an image on a flash drive and install from it.

© 2019 Alex Nadozhin