Keenetic still unique

  • Dec 24, 2019

A year ago, a manufacturer of home routers Keenetic separated from ZyXEL. This week Keenetic reported for the first year of the "autonomous navigation", said an increase in the guarantee on all routers, spoke about the new models, new features, and future plans.

I wrote about the amazing story Keenetic last year ( If you have not read, be sure to read as a hobby three Russian geek enthusiasts turned into a big business.

Now in the top ten most popular routers Russian Keenetic six models, and dual-band Kinetics in first place in sales.

At the event it was announced that the warranty on all routers Keenetic (including those that have been sold during the year) increased to four years, in addition the company is committed to releasing updates firmware for four years since the release of each model.

The marketing policy of the company is significantly different from its competitors: large corporations especially have reduced functionality low-end models, and all of the kinetics from the cheapest to the top features and firmware are exactly the same - only different "iron".

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Opportunities routers Keenetic also differ substantially from those of competitors - Russian developers are trying to do everything "in the mind" and to add a maximum of possibilities.

Due to the fact that the kinetics was originally a system of automatic firmware update is now 95% of the routers are working on the latest version of it.

Unique features in the kinetics of many. This is an opportunity to work with multiple ISPs simultaneously, and WiFI WAN (router can connect to the Internet source for Wi-Fi), and support for any Of USB-modems, and the ability to create not only a guest network, but also a separate network for the internet of things and services KeenDNS, allows access to the router and devices home network for convenient name even in the absence of the real IP-address, and a mobile application and user-friendly web-based Russian, having adaptation to mobile screens devices.

And yet kinetics can give here are names (SSID) WIFI-networks. :)

In 2018 in the kinetics appeared 16 new features. Perhaps the most anticipated - traffic monitor that shows how many uses each of the connected devices.

Another new function - binding the different devices to different connections. You can do to a computer "go online" through one provider, through another smartphone and tablet generally connected via VPN.

The new firmware appeared content filtering AdGuard: router can cut yourself with sites advertising banners.

The main objective for 2019 to consider the implementation of a full Keenetic automatic WIFI-system: can be set for use in large rooms several routers Keenetic any models that will be able to organize a single WIFI-network with the same network name and seamless movement (wireless device can be moved out of range of a WIFI-network router to another router area without losing connection), with all WIFI-system control will centralized.

However, even now Keenetic routers support WIFI-roaming, but each router it will have to be configured separately.

By the new year came Keenetic three new models router - DSL (with a single-band ADSL / VDSL support), Duo (dual-band with ADSL / VDSL support) and VIVA (with dual-band gigabit ports).

The entire line of routers Keenetic, taking into account models that will appear in the new year, is as follows.

It's great that there is a company like Keenetic. The only pity is that it produces only routers. If there were such companies (do not try to grab additional profit at the expense of the interests of customers, not stripped-down capabilities for marketing, increase the guarantee and extend the capabilities of goods after being bought them, and just making their products "with a soul") in other areas of the world would much better.

P.S. In Keenetic have your own blog, in which a lot of interesting things:

P.P.S. Reveals the secrets of magic glowing inscription on the facade of the building. It's simple: on the contrary is a van with a projector. :)

© 2018 Alex Nadozhin

P.S. In my Zen-channel LED lighting about an article LED lamps / from Ukraine.