Useful cards that do not have to pay :)

  • Dec 24, 2019

This totally free bank card makes it possible to get double and triple bonuses in Pyaterochka stores, while for its payment can not be used.

Debit card "World-Pyaterochka"Pochtabanka is also the" Requirement card "network Pyaterochka stores, but in contrast to the usual Pyatorochek cards charge a double bonus (a triple until the new year) on it.

In this case, what is most surprising, you can pay with another card or cash. That is, paying in Pyaterochka, you show this card, the cashier scans the bar code, and then you pay for purchases in cash or another card. Of course, I pay card Halva and get keshbek 12% (

World map-Pyaterochka available free of charge in Pochtabanke any mail. Non-personalized card, so give it immediately.
After receiving the card needed to make it one of any purchase anywhere - for it gives bonuses in 2500 (250 rubles). More 2500 bonuses will give birthday.

I put it on the map 50 rubles and made a purchase of 30 rubles. Received 250 rubles for two weeks has collected another 45 rubles.

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Completely "for nothing" were formed 295 rubles. On the one hand it is not very much, on the other hand, why not, despite the fact that it requires no effort and no "gotchas."

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