Elektrosamokat bought for the winter :)

  • Dec 24, 2019

Overstock in honor of a beautiful date 11.11 have already begun. I bought myself a new elektrosamokat Segway Ninebot ES1 with delivery from Russia.

My first elektrosamokat LeEco Viper-A (ammo1.livejournal.com/843553.html) Faithfully served me two seasons and was a very comfortable thing, which allows to save a lot of time.

Elektrosamokat you can take the subway, in any transport, including taxis, shops and even a clinic. Scooter easy access to the garage for the car and back, put the car in the garage. Scooter is very useful when you need to visit several places in one area.

Alas, at the end of the summer in my rear wing came off LeEco-brake, and the charge is now only enough for 3-4 kilometers. We must deal with it, to fix the wing to check and possibly change the battery, grease the wheels, but the hands, as always, do not reach.

Though I continue to ride on it, but I understand that in the winter with low mileage on a single charge and small wheels especially not ride.

Yesterday read a review

instagram viewer
mysku.ru/blog/jd/66744.html and I thought that the time Naynboty so cheaper, it is worth to find yourself a "winter scooter" with 8-inch wheels. He is heavier and more of my (11 kg vs. 7.7 kg), but it is quite possible to ski in winter, more or less dry asphalt when there will be snowing.

A closer to fly LeEco hope to recover and use it for short trips with a large the amount of transfer to a scooter hands and go in different places, and Ninebot to travel long distance. I take another look, whether it is possible for him to attach a homemade extra battery (it does have a place in the regular dopakkumulyator).

In Moscow Ninebot ES1 costs from 17000 rubles plus shipping. At JD, if you register a new account and use the coupon price of $ 5 it turns out $ 244.99, That is about 16,300 rubles.

By the way, about the sale. On Aliekspress vengeance distribute coupons and promise some bonuses for goods stacked in the basket. I plan to buy there a couple of testers EBD-USB +. I've got two already, I want to make it four for the accelerated testing of batteries, battery and pauerbankov.

© 2018 Alex Nadozhin