How to burn and explode lithium batteries

  • Dec 24, 2019

Every modern man has a lot of Li-Ion batteries: smartphones, laptops, pauerbankah, wireless headphones and speakers, elektrosamokatah, electric bicycles, giroskuterah, vacuum cleaners and many others devices.
Many people know about the dangers of these batteries, but few people know exactly how they burn. It's impressive, believe me!

For a start look Kreosana video about the abuse of 18650 batteries. It is the intensity with which they burn during physical damage, horrified. v = 2J-h6fC1GrU

Interestingly, the high-quality batteries are not afraid of electrical stimulation - not overcharge high current or short-circuit anything bad happens to them. Note that cheap unnamed batteries such properties do not possess. There are many cases of spontaneous combustion and giroskuterov elektrosamokatov (almost always when charging). All these devices are nameless Chinese manufacturers have been equipped with at least nameless batteries.

As you can see from the video, in case of physical damage to the batteries burn very intensely and very quickly. Extinguish the flame is hardly possible. But burn only charged batteries. When physically damaged discharged battery is nothing terrible has happened to him.

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Alas, fully discharged lithium batteries can not be stored - eventually the cell voltage drops and if as a result of long-term storage voltage falls with 3 volts (the voltage at which said protective electronics battery is fully discharged) to 2.5 volts begins unrecoverable degradation. It is believed that long-term storage batteries should be charged by 40%, but such a charge level, they also represent a danger in the event of physical damage.

Despite the fact that the lithium batteries now account for several tens of per capita land, they do not burn very often, but the danger is still there.

Try to stick to the simple rules:

1. Never leave the device standing on the charging unattended. Put the home charge elektrosamokat giroskuter or go for a walk and is totally unacceptable and dangerous!

2. Try not to use the device with a nameless batteries. Better to spend a little more money and buy a good pauerbank, elektrosamokat or a vacuum cleaner, which are guaranteed to stand batteries reputable manufacturer.

3. If you are a long time do not use devices that do not store them with fully charged batteries.

P.S. And you look Kreosana rollers? The children live in a village somewhere in the Lugansk and do absolutely insane and dangerous experiments (Attract real lightning explode gas cylinders, consume electronics, heavy-duty pulses microwaves). I have over the past three days, twenty rolls looked. :)

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