I continue to try to resolve at first glance, a very simple problem: to ensure the connection of external drives, the SSD and flash drives with USB 3.0 interface on the table, not under the table, where the computer is. The problem turned out to be harder than expected.
Recently I talked about the failed attempt to buy an extension cord USB 3.0 (ammo1.livejournal.com/956847.html). Motor external hard drive connected through three-meter extension cable Gembird - Cablexpert, do not even start.
I bought a 1.8-meter extension cable VCOM and the hard drive to work, but I was glad too early: External SSD (ammo1.livejournal.com/925584.html) Through it normally does not want to work: he that appear and disappear in the system, and sometimes appear a message that it is not formatted.
As a result, both the extension I passed the store and "grief" bought two half-meter extension cable USB 3.0 AOpen ACU302 of 112 rubles each. Two extension, connected to each other, such as an external hard drive work, and SSD behaves the same way - it comes and goes. After one half-meter extension cable SSD works, but half a meter is very small, and though it's a little more comfortable than the stick each time the cable behind your computer, you still have to climb under the table.
On the table I have long been worth polubezymyanny Chinese Hub USB 3.0 (ammo1.livejournal.com/496052.html), But he worked lousy - external hard drives, stuck in it, not even trying to "spin" external SSD worked through time and even ordinary flash drive is working, there is no (hub just constantly hovered and helped only Unplugging from it cable).
Today, I tried to connect to the external supply hub (2x0.75 stretched thick wire and connect it to one of the connectors the power supply inside the computer). While like working through a hub and an external hard drive and an external SSD. I keep watching. :)
P.S. For fun, I ask Extension USB 3.0 in MediaMarkt. Vivanco offered for 1599 rubles (!). And in some small shop I tried vparit ring Extension for 750 rubles (wholesale price obviously multiplied by four).
P.P.S. I have a feeling that, apart from me, no one there is a need in the extension of USB 3.0. Are all switched to laptops, and no one there is such a problem?
© 2018 Alex Nadozhin
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