On the ruins of the Yalta film studio

  • Dec 24, 2019

Soviet film industry was huge - in different cities had more than 20 studios. One of them is specialized in films about the life and the resort was located in Yalta. Unfortunately in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union ceased studio work. For 25 years, many of the building studio in ruins. Surprisingly, it is still in the ruins can be seen, and find a lot of interesting things.

Who are some of the Yalta film studio shooting and two pavilions are in order. All the rest - in ruins.

Warehouse dry paint.

Many of the rooms here in this state.

Someone once made his workplace homemade lamp.

You can find Soviet posters Safety

Mural decoration of a movie.

Warehouse of graphite electrodes for electric lights.

It turns out that once produced refrigerators Donbass.

Dump TVs and some old electronics.

We found a whole box of slides. Filmstrip on the review of the Soviet bus to educational filmstrips for plumbers and projectionists.

And of course the most interesting - kinoplonok warehouse. I dragged along a few scraps. At home I will study them.

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Now all these old premises quietly put in order. But still left a lot of interesting things.

All of these artifacts of the Soviet past were due to the fact that the studio is protected and outsiders to get on its territory is quite difficult. Thanks to Masha, who organized this trip to the past.

© 2016 Alex Nadozhin

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