Increased harvest of potatoes in 2 times using a simple feeding and proper care. share experiences

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Come on, confess, who would like to increase the number of his potato crop? I think everyone who grow this culture. Potatoes, in principle, not considered to be directly such a fastidious care and to the conditions of "life", but for her the beds still need to regularly monitor and pay attention to them.

By the way, I was recently able to collect a rich potato harvest, because I finally I found a really effective method of its cultivation. If you might be interested in this topic, be sure to read the contents of the article, as it will be all based on my personal experience in it.

Before growing potatoes, I thoroughly studied the principle of growth, namely, that it is better all he feels is in the neutral ground, and can also grow quite well in slightly acidic. That's just the rub, as appropriate under the criterion of land have not all gardeners - in most cases the land is either alkaline or acidic.

It is known that rain reduces the acidity of the soil, but, you know, that the rain - it is not a constant - here today and gone tomorrow, so hold them high expectations well, not. How, then, can align the acidity of the soil? In this case, we

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will plaster.

It is this "assistant" can not only regulate the level of acidity of the soil, but also to protect the plants growing on it from various diseases.

So the second important moment in the care of a potato - feeding. I prefer rybokostnoy flour, which contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, magnesium - components that provide the plants normal growth and development.

Use flour needed in solution by mixing 150 grams of powder with 10 liters of water. On each potato bush need to pour half a liter of such feeding - this will be enough so that the plant has received all the necessary nutrients.

These two important nuance in the care of a potato helped me to achieve high-quality and abundant harvest, gypsum and so rybokostnaya flour annually present on my potato beds mandatory order.

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