My favorite savory for the winter, which is easy and quick to prepare

  • Dec 24, 2019

Our family all love "sharp little" so that I annually fill the basement with his own prepared jars hrenoderom. Since the experiment in the kitchen I have a habit of not, use only tested recipes, which include this. This article just did dedicate favorite snacks, though highly recommend it to cook every woman - the household will appreciate your efforts!

I must say that he hrenodera cooking process requires minimal, Both time and effort, so stand at the stove all day just do not have, and that, as for me, his main "plus".

So, we need a standard set of products: 1 kg of tomatoes, 100 g of horseradish 100 grams of garlic, as well as sugar and salt to taste.

First we need to wash the tomatoes, then cut them into several pieces - small, I usually I cut in half, large - into quarters.

Now we prepare horseradish and garlic, and then twist all components through a meat grinder.

And here's a little life hacking, not to "cry" in the scrolling time horseradish and garlic: just put the output of the mincer plastic bag and secure it with a rubber band - twisted "vigorous" ingredients will be collected there, so pinching eyes will not. When all the horseradish and garlic will be recycled, just pour the resulting mass of fragrant package to the common dishes with tomatoes.

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Focusing on your own taste preferences, add salt and sugar, some people like a salty hrenoder, someone puts a minimum of salt, but I like it when sugar and salt almost equally.

Then sterilize jars, I always do it with steam - put on a pot of water grate, and it put the jars and lids that are at least 15 minutes so "steamed."

The spread hrenoder prepared jars and roll up lids, after which the workpiece can be safely sent to storage.

Be sure to cook this yummy! I can say that hrenoder perfectly with any side dish, especially with the chips, so we, as a rule, this savory suddenly "disappears" from the table.

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